Opinions please!

I’d love your opinions on the following names! All girl names btw. :orange_heart:
Also, what do you picture when your hear/see these names?

  • [name_f]Jutta[/name_f]
  • [name_f]Orit[/name_f]
  • Atla
  • [name_f]Khloris[/name_f]
  • [name_u]Dune[/name_u]
  • [name_f]Iola[/name_f]
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[name_f]Jutta[/name_f] – Has a cool sound, I enjoy the double t. I have an aunt named [name_f]Jutta[/name_f]!

[name_f]Orit[/name_f] – I really like this for you especially. Not really for me personally but I really like the simple sleekness.

Atla – Oh, this was one of my first name crushes after [name_u]Atlas[/name_u] became boring. I still think it has an appealing sound & look.

[name_f]Khloris[/name_f] – It reminds me of chloride a bit, but I’m enjoying the Kh- beginning and the -s ending otherwise

[name_u]Dune[/name_u] – Cool name! I love this for a middle especially. Feels right at home with your [name_u]Storm[/name_u] & [name_u]Wolf[/name_u] :slight_smile:

[name_f]Iola[/name_f] – [name_u]Love[/name_u] this, particularly with the yo-lah pronunciation. Such a cute name!

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Atla and [name_u]Dune[/name_u] are my favorites from your list :relaxed:
Atla- Sounds like the name of a well-traveled young lady, probably because it reminds me of the name [name_u]Atlas[/name_u]
[name_u]Dune[/name_u]- Sounds like the name of a daredevil or adventurer; I prefer it for a boy.

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[name_f]Jutta[/name_f] - interesting, but a little snappy…not sure yet about this one
[name_f]Orit[/name_f] - love it
Atla -also love it
[name_f]Khloris[/name_f] - this I’m not a fan of. I’d prefer [name_f]Chloris[/name_f] if you must, but even that doesn’t have an appealing sound to me.
[name_u]Dune[/name_u] - It’s okay and fits in with all of the nature names. Not my fave, though.
[name_f]Iola[/name_f] - Very pretty.

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  • Jutta - it does has an interesting sound but I find it a bit harah
  • Orit -ooh, this is bright and sweet
  • Atla - cool and sparky
  • Khloris - floral and fresh
  • Dune - earthy and interesting
  • Iola - distinct and lovely
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[name_u]Love[/name_u] Atla and [name_f]Iola[/name_f]! not too sure about the others…

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My first thought: are you making these names up?

Jutta a sounds like a jaw jutting out in defiance
Orit seems like someone didnt know how to spell Orbit gum.
Khloris seems like an unsavory medical term like cholera chloride or phlegm
Iola seems like Viola

Sorry but none of these names tickles my fancy. Dune could be a cool name for a pet turtle.

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I only like [name_f]Iola[/name_f]. Atla would be second.

[name_f]Jutta[/name_f], [name_f]Orit[/name_f], and [name_u]Dune[/name_u] don’t sound like girls names to me.

I really dislike [name_f]Khloris[/name_f]. It has an unpleasant sound to me. I also think of Chlorine or Chloride. [name_u]Or[/name_u] Cloying.


I love [name_u]Dune[/name_u] and [name_f]Iola[/name_f] (do you pronounce that eye-o-la or ee-o-la?)
I knew a girl named [name_u]Dune[/name_u] and I think she was raised outside societal (USA) norms - traveling and living in camper van, burning man and festivals, I actually met her in the desert so…her name fit her! That’s just my personal association with the name.

Also, I have heard a new movie of [name_u]Dune[/name_u] is coming out , something to consider!


I pronounce it ee-o-la, but maybe that’s because I’m Belgian and we pronounce our I’s like ee’s and not like eye’s :blush: