Oriah as form of Orion?

I discovered the name Oriah at a young preteen age, it was the authors name on a book I picked up and my first thought had been that ‘this name could be a variant of [name_u]Orion[/name_u]!’ Pronounced Or-I-uh And I was enamored with the idea since I had been heavily into astrology/astronomy at the time(still am).

Then a few years later I named a dog Oriah and was super proud of the name. Only everyone seemed to mishear her name as O’Ryah or other Irish sounding variants and eventually my irritation and annoyance turned to disappointment and sadness as even I started to hear it and even occasionally mispronounce it.

After that experience I resentfully crossed it off my list completely, but plenty of time has passed and I recently thought of the name again and in looking it up(on a different site, since it’s not on here) nameberry only has [name_f]Oria[/name_f] which isn’t quite the same yet both are originally variants of [name_f]Aura[/name_f] so Oriah has a Latin origin not Irish.

Basically I just want to know if you think naming a child Oriah would be too difficult on a child and do you think me or her would still continue to come across these issues from people? Is it just not worth it? Does it even sound like a form of [name_u]Orion[/name_u] to anyone else? :confused:

It does look like the female [name_u]Orion[/name_u]. Oriah sounds really pretty. I would think that it wouldn’t be to much of a problem to pronounce/spell it right. [name_m]Just[/name_m] as a side note it reminds me of [name_f]Oriana[/name_f] which is one of my favorite names.

I can see it working better in a book (where you can read it and give your own pronunciation) than in real life. In fact, your own real-life experience has taught you that people don’t hear or pronounce this name right. If I was naming a child, I would pick [name_u]Orion[/name_u] over Oriah because I wouldn’t want to go through all the hassle.

Sure I think it works! Also, I think Oriah is a gorgeous name!