Our FIRST EVER list of girl names! Please HELP! :)

I have a little girl coming in [name]April[/name], and DH and I have finally made a list of names that we want you to pick apart!
We have twin boys named [name]Felix[/name] [name]Nathaniel[/name] and [name]Chester[/name] [name]Ambrose[/name], who are so excited for a little sister!
Their middle names honor their grandpas (my dad is [name]Nathan[/name] and DH’s is [name]Abraham[/name]), we just tweak it and use a different form of the name.
We’re trying to honor: [name]Sylvia[/name], [name]Annabel[/name], [name]Mariella[/name], [name]Josie[/name], or [name]Lillian[/name]

Here’s our list!

[name]Chester[/name] [name]Ambrose[/name], [name]Felix[/name] [name]Nathaniel[/name], and…

[name]Lucy[/name] [name]Annabella[/name]- DH picked [name]Lucy[/name] out! We both really love this name, but not how popular it seems to be. We’ve both never met a [name]Lucy[/name], but on all the baby name sites, it says [name]Lucy[/name] is booming right now, and my biggest worry is having more than one [name]Lucy[/name] in my daughter’s classes at school (when she is old enough for school). I don’t want her to be [name]Lucy[/name] B. for the rest of her life.

[name]Norah[/name] [name]Marilyn[/name]- DH really loves [name]Nora[/name], but I’m still warming up to it. It seems a little blah to me. But I love the way it sounds with [name]Marilyn[/name], and it honors my favorite grandmother [name]Mariella[/name]! I could see this one being a top contender.

[name]Molly[/name] [name]Josephine[/name]- I really like [name]Molly[/name]! But we can’t find another variation of [name]Josie[/name] that we like. [name]Molly[/name] [name]Josephine[/name] is cute, but a little boring compared to our twins’ names! They have so much personality and this name just doesn’t. If you have any suggestions of middle names to pair with [name]Molly[/name] (variations of the names of people we want to honor), please let us know here!

[name]Clara[/name] _______- I adore [name]Clara[/name]. I just don’t know what to pair with it! We were tossing around [name]Sylvianne[/name] for a bit, but it just looks so awkward and sounds kind of clunky. We definitely need help developing this one!

[name]Ruby[/name] _______- DH and I really love [name]Ruby[/name], but we have the name issue with popularity as we do with [name]Lucy[/name]. I really don’t want to be be [name]Ruby[/name] B. among the other [name]Ruby[/name]'s in her life. We also can’t find a name we’d like to stick with it, but we were throwing around variations of [name]Lillian[/name]. Please help!!

We really need your opinions! Thanks!!

Hey lilbear! Sent you a private message! :slight_smile:

[name]Just[/name] checked it :)! Thanks so much! I love Athiel!

Please help :(!

I really like [name]Lucy[/name] [name]Annabella[/name] and [name]Ruby[/name] is also adorable!

If you havent really warmed up to [name]Nora[/name] yet… how about [name]Eleanora[/name]? You get the NN of [name]Nora[/name] but a longer more classic full name!

For a variation of [name]Josie[/name]… what about [name]Jocelyn[/name]?

As for the [name]Clara[/name] sylvianne thing… What about [name]Sylvia[/name] [name]Clair[/name]? I think it sounds lovely!

As for [name]Ruby[/name]… What about [name]Ruby[/name] [name]Lilac[/name]?

If your not sure about [name]Lucy[/name] as it it popular… maybe try one of the Variations like [name]Lucille[/name] or [name]Lucia[/name] or [name]Lucienne[/name] ???
Or even A hyphenated name Like [name]Lucy[/name]-[name]Anne[/name] [name]Marie[/name] ? Then her initials would be LAMB… kinda cute if you ask me!

[name]Love[/name] [name]Lucy[/name]! It’s one of my top names! I worry about popularity as well and am thinking about using [name]Lucinda[/name] or [name]Louisa[/name] nn [name]Lucy[/name] so she has a longer variation to fall back on. The others are all OK, but I don’t love any. [name]How[/name] about [name]Matilda[/name] [name]Josephine[/name] nn [name]Molly[/name]? [name]Ruby[/name] and [name]Clara[/name] are both sweet. [name]Ruby[/name] [name]Anneliese[/name] and [name]Clara[/name] [name]Liliana[/name] were first to come to mind (though [name]Clara[/name] [name]Sylvianne[/name] would be perfect).

You really can’t go wrong with any of your options–they are all beautiful.

Since [name]Molly[/name] is actually a nickname for “[name]Mary[/name]” names, you could use [name]Mariella[/name] and call her [name]Molly[/name]. [name]Mariella[/name] [name]Sylvie[/name]?

I also love [name]Clara[/name]. [name]Clara[/name] [name]Silvie[/name] would be lovely, or [name]Clara[/name] [name]Josephine[/name].

You have a lot of great names picked out, my favs are [name]Norah[/name], [name]Josephine[/name] and [name]Ruby[/name].

Some variations on [name]Jose[/name]/[name]Josephine[/name] names

Thanks guys! I was thinking about [name]Lucille[/name] or [name]Lucia[/name] to get to the nickname [name]Lucy[/name], but DH likes just [name]Lucy[/name] on it’s own. I’m not sure what to do about that one.

I really like [name]Ruby[/name] [name]Anneliese[/name] and [name]Clara[/name] [name]Sylvie[/name] :).

[name]Joseline[/name] is so adorable!

Of all your options I really like [name]Norah[/name] - I think she’s adorable! In the same vein as [name]Nora[/name] I also really like [name]Nova[/name] - does that take your fancy at all?

I also really love [name]Clara[/name] - what about:

[name]Clara[/name] [name]Josette[/name]
[name]Clara[/name] [name]Marilyn[/name]
[name]Clara[/name] [name]Marielle[/name]


[name]Ruby[/name] Silvestra (to honour [name]Sylvia[/name])

For [name]Lillian[/name] there’s:

[name]Lilly[/name] or Leliana/[name]Liliana[/name].

You may also consider putting [name]Ruby[/name] and [name]Annabel[/name] together with:

[name]Ruby[/name] [name]Anne[/name].

An alternative to [name]Annabel[/name] is “[name]Arabelle[/name].”

I like [name]Norah[/name] [name]Marilyn[/name] :slight_smile: Also [name]Ruby[/name] [name]Marilyn[/name] would be sweet too!

I think we found a name with the same vintage feel but funky character that [name]Chester[/name] and [name]Felix[/name] have!

DH and I both love [name]Dorothy[/name]!
What do you guys think?
We were thinking [name]Dorothy[/name] [name]Lilac[/name] (a middle name someone suggested on my previous board to honor [name]Lillian[/name]) or [name]Dorothy[/name] [name]Maren[/name].

I like [name]Dorothy[/name]! I also really like [name]Ruby[/name]. I don’t think [name]Ruby[/name] is getting as popular as you think it is. [name]One[/name] thing to remember about name websites is they are full of people who [name]LOVE[/name] names. They may love 10 names, but only get to use 1 in a year -IF- they are even pregnant that year. So while names sometimes look super popular, often it isn’t AS popular as it seems. I also kind of like [name]Molly[/name], but for me it will always be a guilty pleasure name. No one else in my family likes it at all.

Based on your boys names I kind of thought you would go with something like…


names that sound a little, prim and proper but with personality.

[name]Clara[/name] [name]Josephine[/name] & [name]Ruby[/name] [name]Marianne[/name]

Not sure about [name]Molly[/name] as a full name - I think of it as a nn; I knew a [name]Melinda[/name] who was [name]Molly[/name] for short…

[name]How[/name] about [name]Clara[/name] [name]Lilith[/name]?

[name]Dorothy[/name] is just perfect!!!

As I was reading through this poll, I was mulling over the options you gave. And I gotta say, the only one that really stood out to me/the only one I liked with the other kids’ names was [name]Ruby[/name]. I really like [name]Ruby[/name].

Since your boys’ have such nice, full names ([name]Chester[/name], [name]Felix[/name]), I wouldn’t use a more nickname-y name as your daughter’s given name. [name]Nora[/name], [name]Molly[/name], [name]Lucy[/name] are all nicknames to me. And I agree with you that [name]Lucille[/name] or [name]Lucia[/name] nn [name]Lucy[/name] would be quite lovely. It would complement the boys’ as well.

But then I got to your comment about [name]Dorothy[/name]…and I absolutely love it!
It has the same genre feel as the boys’ names, and has lots of nickname options (since you seem to prefer the cuter, shorter appellations for girls. I base my observation on [name]Lucy[/name], [name]Nora[/name], [name]Molly[/name]).
My vote goes to [name]Dorothy[/name] [name]Maren[/name]! simply gorgeous!!!

What about [name]Clara[/name] [name]Jocelyn[/name]?

I like [name]Dorothy[/name] [name]Lilac[/name] ( i suggested [name]Lilac[/name] on page 1 of this thread! LOL) … I love the name [name]Dorothy[/name]! Cute NN’s too!

Alrightly everyone, thanks so much!! DH and I have made a WHOLE NEW LIST!
We realized that a lot fo the names on here are really nicknamey names, and don’t stand as strong next to [name]Chester[/name] and [name]Felix[/name].
We have an entirely new list of names thanks to your suggestions and I’ll probably post them tomorrow for feedback!

This site is awesome :).

Thanks ladies!!

Thread closed :slight_smile: