He was born at 37+5 weeks, weighing 6 lbs. 7oz. He’s absolutely perfect. We had to stay over night but he’s perfectly healthy!
His name is [name]Arthur[/name] [name]Redding[/name]. We were stuck between [name]Arthur[/name] and [name]August[/name] but [name]Arthur[/name] just … fits.
I have seen some of your previous posts, and I hoped you would pick [name]Arthur[/name]. I love it with your daughters name. Congrats on your beautifully named son.
Congrats to you on the safe arrival of your son, [name]Arthur[/name] [name]Redding[/name]. A wonderful combo that conjures up a mystical and magical power!
aww, [name]Elena[/name], congrats! I love the name [name]Arthur[/name], it’s dashing. [name]Hope[/name] everything’s good, and that you’re all happy!!!