Owl names

Can anyone think of any names meaning “owl” that don’t sound terrible…or names closely related to owls? Thanks!

[name]Nascha[/name] means owl in Navajo. [name]Athena[/name] might work because owls were one of her symbols. They represent wisdom, so any name meaning knowledge would work. [name]Veda[/name], [name]Talib[/name], [name]Aleem[/name], [name]Ismene[/name], [name]Gyan[/name]…

Bewitching Names did a feature about this: Bewitching Names: Spirit Animal Round Up: Owl

I hope this helps!

I once met a girl called [name]Tawny[/name] :slight_smile:

[name]Alba[/name], Umbra, Otus, Nyctea, Ulula, [name]Athene[/name]/[name]Athena[/name], Noctua, and Acadius are all parts of scientific names for different species of owls. Also Bubo, but anyone seriously considering naming their child Bubo needs to be high-fived in the face. :wink:

According to some sources one of the meanings for the name [name]Lilith[/name] is also “screech owl”, which is something I’m considering.

I also went to google translate and got these:
Sova (means owl in Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech and a bunch of other languages)
Chouette (means owl in French)
Bundi (means owl in Swahili, although might be mistaken for Bundy, like the serial killer)

I looooove owls, they are my favorite animal, so this thread is giving me lots of options :slight_smile:

Wow that was a great response, thanks!