Can [name]Patricia[/name] be fresh again? It is a family name on both sides so I am dancing around using it. I don’t want to pick the one name that is too dated and overused to ever some back. I don’t want my daughter to hate me someday, you know? Anyway: what would you think if you met a baby or a little girl who introduced herself as [name]Pippa[/name] short for [name]Patricia[/name]? Be 100% honest please! Thanks
Okay, I’m going to be honest, I’m not a fan of [name]Patricia[/name]. I feel it is too old for a baby BUT I adore [name]Pippa[/name] and love that [name]Patricia[/name] has meaning to you and your family.
Would you use [name]Pippa[/name] as the day to day name or mainly use [name]Patricia[/name]?
I imagine we would use [name]Pippa[/name] while she was a baby/todddler & see what her name developed into from there. I was also considering [name]Patsy[/name], [name]Patty[/name], [name]Pasha[/name], or [name]Pepper[/name]. I am not against any of the usual nicknames for [name]Patricia[/name] but I feel [name]Patricia[/name] is a little long and serious for every day use. I am a nicknamer for sure. Suggestions are welcome.
[name]Pippa[/name] doesn’t make much sense to me as a nickname for [name]Patricia[/name]. [name]Pat[/name], [name]Patty[/name] and [name]Trish[/name] do, but [name]Pippa[/name] seems like way too much of a stretch. Personally, I would use [name]Patrice[/name] instead, as it’s a much fresher then [name]Patricia[/name].
I think [name]Pippa[/name] can work for [name]Patricia[/name], especially since it’s a family name & you might be wanting to differentiate from other Patricias.
I think it feels fresh & works. I’ve met a few little girls called [name]Priscilla[/name] & I think [name]Patricia[/name] is far cuter really.
My only hesitation is if you dislike [name]Pat[/name], [name]Trish[/name], [name]Tricia[/name] whatever more obvious nickname really strongly maybe don’t use it cause you can’t stop people from calling her those things forever. Personally I think [name]Patsy[/name] is really cute and it will be easier to push people in that direction.
I think [name]Patricia[/name] is still a little dated, but could definitely come into style again. (This coming from someone named [name]Susan[/name], ha!)
I think [name]Pippa[/name] is a little bit of a stretch because it’s not obvious,but it could work. I love the nickname [name]Pippa[/name]! I would rather meet a [name]Patricia[/name] nn [name]Pippa[/name] than say, [name]Alana[/name] nn [name]Honey[/name] Boo Boo. :]
I like [name]Pippa[/name] as a nickname for [name]Patricia[/name]. I don’t like [name]Patricia[/name] on its own, but I don’t hate it. Also, in my experience people who have decided to call their kids one name as babies and “transition” into something substantially different when they’re older just end up calling them by the first one forever! Also, I think [name]Pippa[/name] is great on its own, and you could still think of it as a tribute to [name]Patricia[/name].
I know a [name]Patricia[/name] who’s Argentinian, and she pronounces it “Patreeseeah” which is lovely. What about [name]Patrice[/name]? It makes “trish” the more delicate “trice.” [name]Pippa[/name] is wonderful. I just suggested it to another berry, then saw your post. I must have subconsciously absorbed it- sorry!
I also prefer [name]Patrice[/name], but for the nn [name]Pippa[/name] I would first think of [name]Philippa[/name] (which I love)
I think [name]Pippa[/name] could work as a nickname for [name]Patricia[/name], but I personally don’t really care for [name]Patricia[/name]. It sounds like an Aunt’s name… However I love [name]Pippa[/name] on her own, or as a nn for Phillippa. And I really liked the [name]Patrice[/name] suggestion.