
[name]Hi[/name] all! My husband and I are talking about getting pregnant this year, so I’m already off and running on names. Here’s the deal: I’m a freckle-faced redhead, and my husband is half Cuban. I would love to name our son after his late grandfather (which would totally melt my precious mother-in-law), a vibrant, hilarious, larger-than-life gentleman named [name]Pedro[/name]. So here’s the worry: if my genes take over, would a freckle-faced redhead named [name]Pedro[/name] be completely ridiculous? All opinions welcomed!

I think [name]Pedro[/name] is great and it has a lot of meaning for your family. I guess I might be a little surprised if I met a [name]Pedro[/name] with red hair and freckles but I don’t think it’s a big deal. Go for it :slight_smile:

I love when family is honored!! Go for it!

Genetically speaking, you have a lot of recessive traits, so chances are, they will be hidden with the more dominant traits of your husband. Down the line, you may get a redheaded great-great-great-great grandchild, but chances are, you won’t have one. You never know though! My aunt and uncle, both with black hair, have a redheaded daughter!

In order to get a redhead, there have to be recessive traits on both sides. So your husband would have to have the recessive traits “hidden” by his dominant traits. There is really no way to know though! Ask him if he knows of any of his ancestors with red or blond hair.

I love genetics.

Go for it! My little blue-eyed blondie is named [name]Carlos[/name] after his uncle. I think a red-headed [name]Pedro[/name] would be adorable, and the name obviously has a special place for you.

Well, I hate to say it but recessive genes do show up quite often and it is VERY hard to predict. I know a Cuban-American family (%50 Cuban!) where some of their kids are as pale, blonde, and freckly as can be… just like their Irish mother. My husband is part Colombian… he has freckles and fair skin (but dark hair). His brother (same parents!) is blonde. His younger sister… freckles. In fact, his father (not Colombian) looks more Colombian than some of his own kids based on his features.

So yeah, I would not assume anything regarding how your child will look! [name]Even[/name] if he doesn’t get your red hair or freckles, he may still not look particularly Cuban to people.

With dh’s Colombian background, [name]Pedro[/name] is also an important family name for us. We are going to (if we have a son) use [name]Peter[/name] to honor this family member. That said, I don’t think there’s anything terribly wrong with naming your son [name]Pedro[/name].

No, I think it would be great. It would be a reminder of his cuban heritage. And when people ask him about it, he can proudly say he’s half cuban. It’ll get him connected to that side. It makes sense because he IS half cuban, even if he doesn’t look it.

Go for it! My family is Hispanic (well, sort of…genetically, we’re European, but both sides of the family nestled in Hispanic countries), and tons of my family members are redheads with Spanish names!

[name]Pedro[/name] is such a great Hispanic name that I wouldn’t care what genes your son inherited. But I’d love to meet a red-headed [name]Pedro[/name]. He certainly would be unique and there’s nothing wrong with that trait! Go for it!

This name sounds like such a perfect choice. If he takes more after you he will hardly be the only light-complected boy with a Spanish language name. Please please use it if it is the one you love. All best!

Thanks for the input and encouragement, everyone. I guess my big hesitation was that since redheads get teased enough as it is, would I be doubly cursing the kid by giving him an offbeat name like [name]Pedro[/name]. But you’ve all made me feel much better about the idea and honestly, I can’t imagine that I’d ever regret naming him after such a good, honorable man.