See the results of this poll: Margaret nn Peggy
Respondents: 28 (This poll is closed)
- Vintage/Granny chic : 13 (46%)
- Just plain old Granny: 15 (54%)
Respondents: 28 (This poll is closed)
Its not my favourite nickname for [name]Margaret[/name]…but I do think it could make a comeback. A lot more old-fashioned names are coming back, so it could work.
[name]Peggy[/name] is fantastic! Its really adorable but sort of sturdy enough to age well. Although it traditionally has an old lady image, when i hear the name, i picture a really cute little girl with pig-tails and freckles. Or one of those little dolls made out of old-fashioned pegs! It definitely fits with the trend for retro nicknames but i shouldn’t think there will be many other Peggys in the playground compared with all the Tillys and Millys etc.
You and your sister obviously had really good taste in names when you were little- sisters [name]Margaret[/name] and [name]Jemima[/name], [name]Peggy[/name] and [name]Mima[/name], would be lovely!
P.s. and it also makes me think of the [name]Buddy[/name] [name]Holly[/name] song [name]Peggy[/name]-[name]Sue[/name].
Not my taste, but that’s a really cute anecdote.
Everybody in the south has a Mamaw [name]Peggy[/name] or a great aunt [name]Peggy[/name]. I think it will be another ten years or so - if ever - before it gets even remotely mainstream but meanwhile I can see it being one of those hipster clunky but cool girl names like [name]Martha[/name] or [name]Franny[/name].
I wasn’t sure how to vote, since I’m not a fan of [name]Peggy[/name] but don’t really get a strong “granny” vibe from it. I think [name]Margaret[/name] is lovely, but my favorite nicknames for it are [name]Meg[/name] and [name]Maisie[/name]. I know it’s not that far a stretch from [name]Meg[/name] to [name]Peg[/name] and [name]Peggy[/name], but [name]Meg[/name] sounds cute and demure, while [name]Peggy[/name] has always sounded kinda ugly to me. Sorry.
That said, I could see the vintage bandwagon picking up [name]Peggy[/name] in a few years. Maybe if I met a few little Peggys it would grow on me.
Best wishes!
Its the same here in [name]Scotland[/name], both names are really common ‘old lady’ names. Thats probably the reason we used those names because they seemed ancient to us at the time lol. Our gran actually had aunts with those names living at the time, [name]Mima[/name] only passed away about 4 years ago. Its funny how names seem to have come full circle, I personally can see [name]Peggy[/name] as quite a retro name now but i dont think it would stick. I think people here would just revert to something like [name]Maggie[/name] or [name]Meg[/name] for a little girl because they’re more cutsie nn’s and [name]Peggy[/name] would still be classed as quite dated.
freya55 I also started singing [name]Peggy[/name] [name]Sue[/name] lol