I lnever have any idea what to name threads so sorry if this is badly worded! Basically I have a naming-philosophy question that I thought might be too long winded for the Quick Poll Thread.
I was basically thinking about how much future sibsets play a role in combo making on NB, when in actuality most people don’t know how many children they are going to be to have until after they start naming (this thought process was partially inspired by @OpheliaFlora’s “Naming Children Realistically” thread, if you haven’t done that you should totally check it out).
I have seen discussions about this before but I was wondering what the majority response is! Basically my point is that when you have your first child, you don’t know whether or not you’re going to be able to have more children. You might plan to have more, but ultimately you can’t know for sure that you will - for example, my mother wanted 4 children, got divorced at 26 and ended up with 2 (whoops). Equally, you might put all your favourite/honour names on the first child and then unexpectedly go on to have 6 more, which could leave the later children with less “balanced” or meaningful names. So which, in your opinion, is the best policy for when you ~acquire your first offspring?
- I would go all out on the child’s name, knowing that I might be putting all my eggs in one basket/could be left short if I had more children
- I would conserve some favourites/honours for potential future siblings, knowing that I might not get a chance to use them at all
- Other
0 voters
Disclaimer-y Bit
This does assume a few things, i.e. that you have several “favourite” names that you want to use, that you won’t reuse names, that you get to name your children in the first place etc. Also I did put “other” in the poll in case I’ve missed something, but I also know that some people are going to want to compromise/find a “get out of jail free card” in some way which is not really the point of the poll ! So, if it’s possible, if you have a longer answer please pick a general approach and then explain more in the replies (unless it really can’t be summarised in the two options).