I seem to love boy names that start with F or the F sound, especially those that start with [name_u]Finn[/name_u]. [name_f]My[/name_f] family and I also love the Disney show [name_m]Phineas[/name_m] and Ferb (borderline obsessed, if I’m honest) so I suppose it was only a matter of time before this happened. I’m high-key crushing on the name [name_m]Phineas[/name_m] but I want some outside opinions.
First, spelling. Would [name_m]Phineas[/name_m] be hard for a little boy to pull off? Would spelling the name [name_m]Finneas[/name_m] make it easier to wear? If I use the name, I’d be fine with [name_u]Finn[/name_u] as a nickname regardless of the full name spelling. I mean, my name isn’t spelled [name_f]Abbygail[/name_f] but I still go by [name_u]Abby[/name_u].
Am I losing it? Is [name_m]Phineas[/name_m] actually usable outside of a cartoon character? I also love [name_u]Finley[/name_u] and [name_m]Finnian[/name_m] but something about [name_m]Phineas[/name_m] is just that much more special and appealing to me. What are your thoughts on [name_m]Phineas[/name_m]?
I know (of) an adorable little [name_m]Phineas[/name_m], so it’s pretty easy for me to picture on a little boy. I think it’s great name, either spelling! When I first came across [name_m]Finneas[/name_m] O’[name_m]Connell[/name_m] I baulked at the spelling, but I’ve actually come to really like it since then. I don’t think it’s a difficult name to pull of and I don’t think the spelling would affect that.
I really like [name_m]Phineas[/name_m]! I’m also a major fan of [name_m]Phineas[/name_m] and Ferb! [name_m]Phineas[/name_m] seems like the more intuitive spelling, so I’d go for that!
Totally love [name_m]Phineas[/name_m]! It’s kind of clunky, geeky, cuddly, quirky and cool all rolled into one uncommon-but-familiar package. I suggested this one to my husband and he rolled his eyes, sadly, but you clearly have better taste than he does!
I’d say that if you’re going to use it, spell it like the most common association ([name_m]Phineas[/name_m] and Ferb) or you’ll get constant misspellings. [name_u]Billie[/name_u] [name_f]Eilish[/name_f]’s brother is a [name_m]Finneas[/name_m], so that spelling will probably become more widely familiar too, but I do think it loses some of the distinctive appeal which sets [name_m]Phineas[/name_m] apart from the other “[name_u]Finn[/name_u]” names.
I know you said you’d use [name_u]Finn[/name_u] regardless of the spelling, but I’d find it very hard to pass up on the opportunity of a little Phin
I voted for [name_m]Phineas[/name_m] but honestly, I like either spelling. And now that I think about it I kind of like the way the F looks a little more. It’s an awesome name and totally usable!
such a handsome name!! I used to find the tv association way too obvious, but now that it’s been around for years I think it’s usable! I voted for [name_m]Finneas[/name_m] but I like both spellings.
@futuremama, I’ve never met one in real life but hearing others have makes me feel a lot better about it!
@may.rose, lol it makes me happy to see another [name_m]Phineas[/name_m] and Ferb lover! [name_f]My[/name_f] family quotes the tv show on a daily basis
@katinka, I love that description of [name_m]Phineas[/name_m]! Geeky, quirky, cool, all adjectives I love to hear when people describe my boy names.
I think I would call him by the full name most of the time, but I’m guessing that my family would find the name a bit odd so I’d be fine with them calling him [name_u]Finn[/name_u]. The benefit of [name_u]Finn[/name_u] over Phin for the nickname is that it would also satisfy my family’s love of [name_f]Star[/name_f] Wars!
@whatchamacallit, thank you for your thoughts! I think I slightly prefer the [name_m]Phineas[/name_m] spelling but if others think [name_m]Finneas[/name_m] would be easier to wear, that would give it enough of a push to overtake [name_m]Phineas[/name_m], if that makes sense?
@jonquils, I feel like I knew a celebrity had a son named [name_m]Phineas[/name_m] (although I think he spells it [name_m]Phinnaeus[/name_m]?) but I didn’t know he used [name_u]Finn[/name_u]. I love [name_f]Hazel[/name_f] as well lol!
@greyblue, thank you! I was hoping it would come across as a fresh addition to the [name_u]Finn[/name_u]- family.
@rosajune, haha the TV show association put me off the name for awhile too but it’s also why I’ve come to love the name! Thank you for your thoughts!
[name_m]Phineas[/name_m] is definitely useable. I like both spellings but I do agree with [name_f]Katinka[/name_f] that the [name_m]Phineas[/name_m] spelling sets it apart from other [name_u]Finn[/name_u]- names. [name_f]Julia[/name_f] [name_m]Roberts[/name_m]’ son is [name_m]Phineas[/name_m] and [name_u]Billie[/name_u] [name_f]Eilish[/name_f]’s brother is [name_m]Finneas[/name_m] so I don’t see why you couldn’t use it. It’s simultaneously cool and spunky but also, as [name_f]Katinka[/name_f] said, has a quirky, slightly geeky thing going on. I love it!