
Hi ya’ll I am not sure why, but I was reading an article the other day and saw the word ‘pioneer’. I was like ‘WHOA! WHY DO I LIKE THAT AS A BABY NAME?’ Literally my brain all day :joy:
Anyway, what do you guys think? It is definitely a mouthful, but seems so meaningful and fun at the same time. Possibly nickname Pi (Pie), thinking of it for a girl. Would love comments, other similar name suggestion and even middle name suggestions. Thank you!!!

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I’m all about word names but imo this is one that doesn’t work

It feels like such a weird word to use as a name, and the sound isn’t that appealing

You would certainly be a pioneer yourself if you used it. However, I think this name is a bit too adventurous to seriously consider it.

Some similar names include: [name_u]Harper[/name_u], [name_u]Parker[/name_u], [name_f]Journee[/name_f].

I knew a little girl who had this as a middle name. I believe she was [name_f]Sylvie[/name_f] [name_u]Pioneer[/name_u]. She had a brother with a similarly themed middle name (Westward).


Pioneers hold great significance in LDS (Latter-Day Saint) religion as many of our ancestors were pioneers headed West to live in more Gospel-centered settlements with churches and temples. We have many songs celebrating the pioneers, and once a year celebrate Pioneer Day— it’s actually an official “holiday” in Utah. I don’t think there’s any problem using it, but for me personally, Pioneer is very linked to LDS religion. Pie is a sweet nickname though :slight_smile:

[name_u]Pioneer[/name_u] is a cool word. Frontier too.

Don’t know about planned nicknames on it though. [name_f]May[/name_f] have to let those come about naturally.

PS I’d much rather be named [name_u]Pioneer[/name_u] than [name_f]Journee[/name_f].

hot take but i LOVE this name!

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Okay I’m honestly vibing with this. It’s seriously so cute. :smiley: I would probably use it as a middle name though.

I’m loving it!!

Tbh, I don’t love it. I feel like a lot of pioneer stories perpetuate the myth of the American [name_u]West[/name_u] as some kind of wild wilderness that needed to be tamed, when in actuality the area was already home to many indigenous people who were forced off their land because of westward expansion. (This attitude is just about summed up in a line from one of the [name_m]Little[/name_m] House on the [name_u]Prairie[/name_u] books that describes the area as having “No people. Only Indians”.) Obviously, you’re completely entitled to your opinion and liking this name doesn’t make you some kind of horrible person or anything, but I thought I should just point out the possible negative association.

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