Please don't tell me that Twilight will make Edward popular

With the crazy love of Twilight I’m seeing more and more babies named [name]Edward[/name] for the first or middle name.

I’m not a fan of [name]Edward[/name] or nay of the nicknames…do you think there will be a rise in this name due to Twilight???

I would imagine that there would be a rise in popularity. I know a couple of “Twihards” who want to use the name and they’re far from having children. I love the name, personally, but when I see it, [name]Edward[/name] [name]Cullen[/name] is the first thought in my head-- I don’t think that’s a good thing when looking at a child of your own! (I’m Team [name]Edward[/name], so I adore the vampire! =] ) But, Twilight aside, [name]Edward[/name] is a very, very handsome name!

I think it probably is. I’ve heard that [name]Isabella[/name]/[name]Bella[/name] is getting much more popular too. I think there are nicer names in the books though. like [name]Rosalie[/name]. But then again I really dislike the books so I’m glad none of my favourite names were used in them.

I’ve actually heard stories of a few teenage girls calling or wanting to call their kids renesmee.

I hate the idea of [name]Edward[/name] becoming popular due to Twilight, because it’s one of the few family names I love! :slight_smile: For some reason, I’m not as bothered by the popularity of boys’ names as I am by the popularity of girls’ names, but I’d hate for people to think I named my son after a vampire. (I still plan on using [name]Edward[/name], though.)

Have a good night! :slight_smile:

Oh i deffinantly think it willcause more children to be Edwards, as well as Bellas, Jakes, ect. Its a horrifing idea to me though:( In my opionon the twilight movies arnt good, the books were, but i mean people have become to obssessed with this franchise. I saw a women who got a whole twilight quote covering her entire back, so the level of obessesion is literally and unfortunatly endless.

[name]Edward[/name] is one name, unlike [name]James[/name], [name]Tom[/name] and [name]Jack[/name] that hasn’t really come back at all… until now.

I think it will become much more popular since the movie.

The only nn I would use would be [name]Ned[/name]. I don’t like [name]Edward[/name] as a name or [name]Eddie[/name].

[name]Edward[/name] has been steadily popular here (UK) for a while, so Twilight won’t make too much difference here.