Dear Berries, thanks to everyone who has participated in my previous post! We’ve narrowed down our choices to 2 names for a sibling for Leon and Scarlett (long story short for now we’ve been referring to him as Oliver and we don’t hate it but now we’re thinking that maybe Aron would be better for our sibset, so we’re on the fence). So, what do you think?
I personally prefer [name_u]Oliver[/name_u] but know that [name_u]Oliver[/name_u] doesn’t feel quite right to you, so [name_m]Aron[/name_m] sounds like maybe a better option
It sounds like [name_u]Oliver[/name_u] just isn’t feeling right for this little one, lovely though it is, so I vote [name_m]Aron[/name_m]. Congratulations and good luck!