Popularity: An Existential Crisis brought to you by WittyUsername103

[name_m]Hi[/name_m] Everyone ,

So the SSA name data came out today. And whilst I’ve stayed fairly safe a bunch of my faves were given to tons more babies this year (Laramie jumping from 152 to 213 ooooof). And it’s making me question how important popularity is and whether or not I’ve been a massive snobby dweeb when it comes to it. Especially since I’m probably at least another 3-10 years away from children at least.

So please answer me the following -

A) What do you consider to be a popular name? What metric do you use to determine that?
B) At what point if at all do you cut a name for being ‘too popular’?
C) How do you feel when you see a name you like has become more popular?
D) If you have a popular name how does it make you feel? Negative or positive?
E) [name_f]Do[/name_f] you think popularity matters in sibling groups? Yes or No?
F) Be honest do you think of less of berries with popular names on their list? I don’t but I worry that people think that of me since I spend so much time on this website and on my lists.

In conclusion AHHHHH. Thank you.

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To me, a popular name is one I hear a ton/know a ton of people with. I also consider amount of births associated with said names on the charts over time, and not just their placement on them. [name_f]Imo[/name_f], if its #100 or so doesn’t tell me as much as 5000 babies or more being given that name every year for a decade.

Personally I don’t really look at it that way anymore, but if a name has been very popular for a long period of time I’m unlikely to use it or find it appealing. Especially boys names. Girls names are and have been extremely diversified for a long while; boys less so. I do tend to be attracted to more unique and unusual choices too, but I would still use most names unless it stuck around the top 200 for a few years.

I’ve never really had that happen for me, so I can’t say. The names I love don’t tend to chart in the top 1000, and the ones taht are super popular I like have consistently stayed popular. I will say, when [name_f]Guinevere[/name_f] first entered the top 1000 in 2021 it did make me squint a little, but it’s dropped back out this year and I am actually disappointed about that.

[name_f]My[/name_f] name has been between 300 and 500 my whole life, and was extremely popular through the first part of the 1900s. Most people can pronounce it and spell it well, but I was always assumed older than I am. I feel like the popularity was pretty neutral in that regard.

No, I don’t. I am a big believer that sibsets will only be sibsets for maybe 18 years tops, and no one but a name nerd will care. It has no real bearing on life circumstances if your name matches or goes with your siblings :sweat_smile: Could it causs some jealousy issues? Sure, but that could happen, and probably will, anyway with a number of other things outside of their names.

No, I think anyone should use what they love. Naming is and should be fun. I heavily side-eye anyone who is too opinionated about what names others do and don’t like. There are so many more important things to be judgemental about than names imo. And I say that with this being my biggest “hobby” and interest my entire life. I personally find your names a breath of fresh air in an otherwise very same-same environment. Not that I don’t like the general [name_f]Berry[/name_f] style, but it does get a tad boring seeing the same combos and names over and over again (including my own). That is the reason I don’t share or make a ton of posts about my names anymore; I feel like there such a thin line between honest opinions and outright hostility over not liking a simple name and I don’t have thick enough skin to deal with it :joy:

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I want to preface this by saying that I care very little about poplarity, and I mostly enjoy common names.

A. I think names in the top 100 are popular, but that doesn’t mean they are necessarily common in my area. I prefer to base a name’s popularity on how many people I personally know with that name. One of the only things that will deter me is if I’ve known a lot of people with that name (Emma :cry:)
B. I wouldn’t use a name in the top 5… maybe not in the top 10? It would depend on how much I loved the name. That’s what matters most.
C. It makes me bummed for about an hour, then I remember I don’t care.
D. I’ve never minded having a popular name. As someone with social anxiety, I actually find it very helpful that everyone is already familiar with it!
E. No, but I prefer them to match stylistically.
F. I am that berry.

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Prefacing this by saying I love an array of names both ‘popular’ & ‘unique’, & I have no intention of having any more kids (mine are 16 & almost 15) so this pretty irrelevant to me but…

A) What do you consider to be a popular name? What metric do you use to determine that?
For me anything in the first 500 is popular & anything 0-300 is considered ‘too popular’. I look at charts but also consider naming trends around me & the areas I visit often & babies I know/heard of being born.

B) At what point if at all do you cut a name for being ‘too popular’?
With the exception of one name I’ve loved since I was a child & would happily use if I fell pregnant despite it being in the top 200’s (UK) if a name was in the top 300’s I wouldn’t use it unless I was deeply in love with it. Although I’d prefer to stay out of the top 500’s ideally.

C) How do you feel when you see a name you like has become more popular?
It’s frustrating because I hate the thought of so many people using it but equally I’m glad the name is getting the recognition it deserves.

D) If you have a popular name how does it make you feel? Negative or positive?
I have an unpopular name & loved it. I’m not against popular names as a whole, they’re generally beautiful names which is why they’re so popular to begin with but I wouldn’t of wanted to be (or want my child being) one of many nor do I particularly want to be part of any ‘trends’ that would date them eg. the [name_m]Aiden[/name_m], [name_m]Caiden[/name_m], [name_m]Jayden[/name_m], [name_m]Raiden[/name_m], [name_m]Zaiden[/name_m] trend (all names of kids I know that are within 2 years of each other).

E) [name_f]Do[/name_f] you think popularity matters in sibling groups? Yes or No?
Nope. Let’s be honest us name nerds who obsess over this are in the minority, no one else would even notice :joy:

F) Be honest do you think of less of berries with popular names on their list? I don’t but I worry that people think that of me since I spend so much time on this website and on my lists.
It doesn’t bother me at all, people should use the names they love. I do occasionally feel like “oh that name again?” but that’s not judging the person it’s just names definitely go through phases on here & you’ll sometimes see the same names pop up on a lot lists for a while, so I love when something ‘new’ comes along.

A. I mostly think of it as meaning common for either babies being born right now or people in general, though it can sort of depend on the context. Idk if I have a specific cut-off point, it has more to do with how much I seem to encounter it in everyday life, but if I had to give a number I’d say somewhere around the top 150 or 200 mark? Also worth noting, a name can be trendy even if it isn’t technically popular.

B. If it wasn’t one of my absolute favorites, I’d probably try to avoid anything in the top 125 or so. If it was a favorite, I might be able to hold out until the top 30, or possibly no matter what, it’s hard to say.

C. A little disappointed most of the time. Not just because it could cause problems for usability, but because I’d want it to be clear I actually love the name and don’t just think it’s cool because everyone else says so, and for it to stand out a bit as opposed to being ‘oh, just another such and such’.

D. Fairly negative, I’ve never felt like I have to ‘share it with others’ like some people describe, but it makes me feel kind of unexciting when I introduce myself. It might have more to do with it being super trendy for my generation though, idk if I’d mind as much if it were Mary or Sarah. It’s also annoying because half the older people I meet can’t even spell it, but everyone my age immediately tells me about their three other friends named Avery.

E. Somewhat. If possible I’d aim to avoid massive gaps in popularity between siblings, particularly if the popular one could be seen as “plain”, but if for example Romulus had been my favorite name for my whole life and I also really wanted to honor an uncle named James, I think those factors would be more important than worrying about the discrepancy. It’s not the biggest deal, and I can’t remember ever hearing someone complain about it.

F. Not at all, at the absolute worst I might find it a little boring, if it were ALL popular names.

A) Honestly, the only names I would consider super popular are those in the top 50 - it’s probably different in the US, but here in England, once you’re past the top 50 and looking at the numbers you’re not talking a huge number of babies being given each name. Even being called Olivia in 2023 isn’t the same as being Jessica in the 80s! People are more creative and there is a wide range of names; I’ve been in classes with multiple unusual names (two Raphaelas!) and not a top 10 name in sight.
B) I’d use any name out of the top 15, maybe even within if I absolutely adored it. The only exception would be if I personally know a lot of people or babies with a certain name. Two people in my extended circle have had baby Archies recently, for example, so I wouldn’t chose Archie (wouldn’t anyway but there’s an example).
C) Depends where it was before! I’d like to use a name in the top 1000 but I do cringe at the amount of tiny Graces I come across.
D) Not many Marys my age so I can’t really comment, although I will say having a name that was super popular a few generations ago and isn’t any more is… interesting.
E) Not at all! My sister has a super common name, I have a less common one and we’re not consumed with resentment or anything (as far as I know). Sisters Emily and Khaleesi might be a bit strange but really you do you.
F) Never!! I have a very basic style myself so I’m happy to connect with my boring namenerd sisters.

A) What do you consider to be a popular name? What metric do you use to determine that?

Top 200? I guess working with teens and kids, I’ve learned that there’s such a variety of names these days that realistically, unless you’re choosing from the top 30, there’s usually only one per class/year group. Plus, just because a name is very unpopular, unranked, doesn’t mean there won’t be multiple kids in your area called that. (just as an example, in the year I’m working with rn, there are like, 5 kids called Abisha/Abeesha and multiple Kaiyas :person_shrugging: )

B) At what point if at all do you cut a name for being ‘too popular’?

Depends how much I like it? But generally Top 50/Top 100 depending on personal experience

C) How do you feel when you see a name you like has become more popular?

Sometimes disappointed, but often glad other people are appreciating it, since I’m not having kids?

D) If you have a popular name how does it make you feel? Negative or positive?

Sometimes a bit irritated, since it’s been in and out of the Top 10, in the Top 5, Number 1 and still in the Top 15, with a variant of it ranking in the Top 100 too. For me, that is too popular, and I think I would feel differently, if it wasn’t in the Top 50 or Top 30, even? But as a top 10 name, it is pretty bland.

Still, I don’t hate, hate it, since it does mean people recognise it, easily say it and don’t make a fuss over it

E) Do you think popularity matters in sibling groups? Yes or No?

Sort of? By that I mean I wouldn’t want one kid called a Top 20 name and the other called something unranked/very unheard of? I mean, it doesn’t not work but I know I would feel jealous if my brother had a super rare name and I had my common one? A little bit of difference isn’t a big deal or a popular and a familiar-but-less-popular one is okay, but I mean, one kid called called [name_f]Olivia[/name_f] and the other called [name_f]Atalanta[/name_f] doesn’t work for me.

F) Be honest do you think of less of berries with popular names on their list?

No! Sure, if asked my personal opinion on the names, I might comment that something doesn’t sparkle for me because I’ve met so many, however, there are plenty of popular names that I like and I try to take into account a berry’s personal name style too - ie, if someone likes [name_f]Charlotte[/name_f], [name_f]Florence[/name_f] and [name_f]Olivia[/name_f], I like that for them and wouldn’t think any less of them, or make a big deal over the name’s popularity as that probably isn’t a factor for them? [name_m]Or[/name_m] I try, at least?

I use mostly state data to determine what is popular, plus my own intuition! For example, knowing the demographics of the town I live in (socioeconomic, political, race, etc) I can make even more educated guesses on what kinds of names a kids peers will likely have. BUT, I do always think it’s important to take into consideration that people move throughout their lifetime, and picking a name less popular where a child is born doesn’t mean that they won’t end up with 3 co-workers of the same name in 30 years!

I consider “popular” to be in the Top 100, personally, but I could make an argument for other cutoffs too.

I personally keep out of the top 200, preferably out of the top 300.

I usually go through a period of denial where I try to convince myself it doesn’t make a difference, but ultimately the name finds its way off my list because it just doesn’t sparkle as much to me knowing its popularity. It’s a problem I’m working on!

I grew up with a name that was quite uncommon in my age bracket - [name_f]Brynn[/name_f] - and I absolutely love having a unique name.

Nope! Vibe is all that matters to me! Sisters named [name_f]Imogen[/name_f] (outside top 1000) and [name_f]Eleanor[/name_f] (#14) make way more sense to me than sisters named [name_f]Madison[/name_f] and [name_f]Valentina[/name_f] (similar popularity)

Popular names are popular for a reason, and I genuinely love most of the top names! I would never think less of someone for choosing one.

  1. a name that I regularly come across, whether that’s among my own friends or my sibling’s friends or people in the neighbourhood.

  2. I don’t if I still love it. If it being rare was part of the reason why I loved it, of course I would cut it if I suddenly hear it everywhere; however, I generally try to find names I love regardless of popularity. The kids will be special enough.

  3. I make sure I grasp what the change in popularity realistically means, if 200 of 2 million babies are named my favourite name, that’s nothing, even if it’s 1000 babies with the name, it’s unrealistic that I’d come across a baby with the name. If it’s 20000, it’s way more likely, but realistically it’s still about the same as 18000 or 23000 would be, so these small changes don’t really make a difference.
    If a name jumped from 500 uses to 10000 uses, I’d be wondering what show or movie I missed.

  4. I have a semi popular name, has always been in the top 100, mostly top 50, and have rarely met anyone with the same name. Realistically, beyond the top 10, popular names aren’t really as common as one thinks and it’s more up to chance and where exactly you live, which names you’ll encounter.
    The popularity of my own name I don’t feel any way about it, though I do like that it doesn’t follow a popular pattern, because even less popular names often feel boring when thy do. E.g. growing up L names were super popular, Leo, Lena, Lili, Leonie, Luca, Luis,… so even less popular L names such as Liana or Levin didn’t feel special because they just followed a very popular vowel-heavy L names pattern.

  5. I think familiarity (and vibe) is much more important, Elizabeth and Cordelia feel well-matched. Harper and Gianna feel less well-matched even if they’re way closer in popularity.

  6. I don’t think lesser of people just based on the names on their list; if anything, I think it would be people that have super obscure names on their lists because they care so much about not choosing a popular name that I would slightly roll my eyes at, but also only if that seems to be the only reason why those names are on their lists, not if they love them regardless.

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I think that top 100 is “popular” to me, but I have my eyes on other markers like 300 or 500. I also may focus more on trendiness, avoiding names that are quickly rising.

I think I would rule out a top 10 name and would likely avoid top 100. For me, names tend to feel tired once I have met ~2 kids with the name and that typically happens once a name is in the 300s. I tend to think that outside the top 1k is a +, outside the top 500 is a +, but I don’t necessarily say that popularity is a dealbreaker (just a con).

One thing is that I don’t currently have a partner who I am discussing names with. So I try to have “the list” of my favorite names (typically outside the top 500 or even 1k) and then “my list” of names that I like generally (a lot of range, some are probably ~5k in popularity while others may be #50). If I had a partner who was opposed to rare names or wanted something familiar, I think we could find a compromise and vice versa if they want something really rare never has been heard before.

Bad lol. I’ve seen some people say they like when a name rises a bit because it makes it more usable/familiar - I rarely feel that way. There were 39 families who used my favorite boy name in 2023 and I’m jealous of all of them.

[name_f]My[/name_f] name is super popular. I’m not a huge fan - I don’t hate it for myself but I do want to avoid it for a child. One issue is that my name peaked the year/year after I was born so by now it’s dated. I also had to use first name + initial or first name + full last name in K-12 which was kind of annoying (not terrible but I don’t think anyone aims for that).

Vibe matters more imho but it does bug me a bit when there is a dramatic difference in popularity. This could be because it influences the aesthetic a bit. [name_m]An[/name_m] example, I do see [name_m]Theodore[/name_m] as bookish and a bit dark academia - but at this point it’s hard for me to imagine siblings [name_m]Theodore[/name_m] or [name_m]Peregrine[/name_m] because the difference in popularity is so jarring.

Think less of Berries with popular names on their list? No way. Though sometimes it’s a bit… disappointing isn’t the right word but it’s the only one I can come up with… when a [name_f]Berry[/name_f] who is always posting names like [name_f]Lysistrata[/name_f] or [name_m]Jem[/name_m] goes on and says their actual future baby names are some like [name_f]Charlotte[/name_f] and [name_m]Henry[/name_m]. Shortlists always seem 10-50% more tame than UCs/NOTDs.

a) I don’t know if there is a cutoff numbers-wise, but I would consider a name to be popular if the child could reasonably expect to semi-regularly run into other people (especially other similarily-aged people like classmates) with the same name. I would consider a jump from 152 to 213 babies in the entire country to be almost negligible, frankly.

b) I honestly don’t really care that much about popularity compared to many name nerds, and a lot of names I like are pretty classic/traditional and thus very popular. I would seriously consider having a little [name_f]Emily[/name_f] or [name_m]Joseph[/name_m], for instance. I am slightly more concerned about trendiness–having a name that has massively risen in popularity and would be more tied to a certain birth period. Still not a dealbreaker for me, though.

c) I find it interesting to track but I honestly don’t care all that much.

d) I have a relatively popular name–top 50 the year I was born, and I typically didn’t have another one in my class growing up but unusually another one in my grade. I didn’t love having another one in my class, especially because I was very tall as a kid and insecure about it and I once had a teacher call me “taller Julia” to distinguish me and it hurt my feelings. That being said, I overall like my name, am fine with its level of popularity and even think its familiarity is a plus.

e) I have personal experience here! While I have a relatively popular name, my brother has an extremely uncommon name that people struggle to spell and pronounce. He has always disliked his given name and has repeatedly said he wished our parents named him something else, including saying that he’s jealous of my name. Seeing his experience has actually made me more leery of choosing a more unique or difficult name and recognize that popularity can actually be a plus. That being said, I can also see a scenario where one sibling has a very common name and hates it and the other has a less common but not difficult name (think an [name_f]Olivia[/name_f] being jealous of her sister [name_f]Louisa[/name_f], which is much less common but not unfamiliar like my brothers name).

f) I do not think less of Berries with popular names on their list. In fact, I am the Berries with popular names on my list. I will be honest here and admit that sometimes I do think less of Berries who really push obscure and difficult names, especially when they make it a huge part of their identity or seem to think liking/having those names makes them or their hypothetical children more special. I think some people on here can be a bit pretentious, frankly!

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I think that popular is usually in the top 200 for me. Also for me, it depends on how much I see the name around. LIke Audrey isn’t in the top 10, but it seems like every other girl under 5 is Audrey, so (hypothetically) if I liked the name, I wouldn’t use it, while I haven’t seen a single Olivia, ever, so I might use that name is (again, hypothetically) I liked it. It’s a fine line.

In the top 50, or seen more than like 3 little kids named that. Again though, it’s a fine line. I love Luna so much that even if it’s in the top 10, I wouldn’t hesitate to name a kid that. (many years from having kids right now :smile:).

Sad, but also happy that other people see how awesome of a name it is, but it also feels like my name. basically constant internal struggle.

My name has never charted in the US, and probably never will. I’ve never been to the name’s original country, so idk how popular it is there.

Sometimes. Like a sibset Olivia and Ianthe would probably be too much, but Irene and Emma might work. But I think that’s just a Berry thing :joy:

I don’t. My names are what some berries would call “popular”. Everyone is entitled to their name choices, and some people like popular names. nothing wrong with that. after all, the reason names are popular is because lots of parents like them.

A) What do you consider to be a popular name?What metric do you use to determine that?
Since I am US based, I would say names in the top 100 are popular, both nation & state, but I also consider names to be popular if I have nultiple of them in my social circle.
B) At what point if at all do you cut a name for being ‘too popular’? Once a name rises past the top 500, I usually put it on hold I dont drop it, especially if I love it, but usually its not my front runner.
C) How do you feel when you see a name you like has become more popular? tbh It makes me a little sad, but overall doesnt affect me much.
D) If you have a popular name how does it make you feel? Negative or positive? I grew up with a name in the lower top 100, and honestly didnt meet a whole lot of people with my name. So my name was familiar, but I hardly ever had to share my name. Which made me want to give my children name that they werent going to be sharing.
E) Do you think popularity matters in sibling groups? Yes or No? I do like a cohesive sibset, so as my kids names arent in the top 1000, if I had a name I loved outside of the top 1000 that would probably be my front runner. But I think loving the name is more important than sibling set cohesion. So I would choose a name I loved over a name that fit the sibset even if it was mismatched in terms of popularity.
F) Be honest do you think of less of berries with popular names on their list? Nope, for me that means fewer people using the names I love & they get to use the names they love, everybody wins! And honestly even though I hate when my favorites get popular, I still have names I would consider using despite the popularity, so who am I to judge someone elses favorites.

A. Personally, I think a name as being “popular”, when it’s in the top 100-200 and “really popular” when it’s in the top 20 or 25.

B. It’s complicated. I have no hard rule about popularity, but I would prefer not to give my child a name where there will be three other kids with that name in their class. Especially if the child ends up with a common last name too. That said, there are lots of other considerations that are more important and a name being in say, the top 100 or even top 10 wouldn’t necessarily stop me from using it if I liked it and it was meaningful to me.

C. It depends on where it was before. I was disappointed to see [name_f]Aurora[/name_f] and [name_m]Leo[/name_m] rise this year because #22 and #18 seem so high… but I actually like to see my more obscure favorites rise so that they’ll be more usable. [name_f]Cassiopeia[/name_f] is up from 5 babies in 2022 to 18 in 2023, no idea why that happened but I’m so excited about that :star_struck:

D. [name_f]My[/name_f] own name was #259 for girls when I was born. I like it. [name_f]My[/name_f] name was almost always just my name, and not several other kids’ name, and on the rare occasion I did meet someone with my name I felt this weird connection with them. Everyone had heard of my name and knew how to say and spell it, but I was usually the only [name_f]Lucy[/name_f] they knew.

E. As long as they’re a good style match, no. Popularity can be weird and random sometimes, and names that are similar can be very far apart in the rankings. For example, I think [name_f]Luna[/name_f] and [name_f]Esti[/name_f] are a perfect sister set even though [name_f]Luna[/name_f] is in the top 10 and [name_f]Esti[/name_f] is not even in the top 1000.

F. Not at all. I have several. The names I love range everywhere from being in the top 10 to being so far out of the top 1000 they’ll probably never be in it.

A) These are all in relation to the popularity list where I live (England/Wales) and apply to the most recent annual data.
[name_f]My[/name_f] official rules are:
For all the names I really like i.e. my longlist- Given to <1000 babies.
For guilty pleasures- Given to >1000 babies
For names I actually want to use i.e. my shortlist- Under top 1000.

There are exceptions, namely [name_m]Caspian[/name_m] and [name_f]Artemis[/name_f], both of which are on my shortlist, but weren’t in the top 1000 when I first added them. Most new additions I just won’t consider if they don’t meet the criteria.

B) I mentioned above, but I guess having a short snd longlist makes things a bit easier. I don’t cut names for popularity on my longlist, they just become gps. Names on my shortlist I’m less likely to cut for popularity, unless they’re reaching top 100 levels or I’m hearing it a lot, which is very unlikely.

C) Honestly, awful. It just makes my heart sink and I absolutely hate it. Especially names higher up on my shortlist. Names that I just like, but would never really use I don’t mind as much. I love lots of different things about my favourite names, but they just feel extra special, because they’re a bit different as well as amazing and stunning. [name_f]My[/name_f] own name isn’t very popular, and I love it! I wish I could feel happy that names I love are out there, but I just struggle to see it that way.

D) I do not and take great pride in that.

E) [name_f]Do[/name_f] you think popularity matters in sibling groups? Yes or No?
For me, absolutely. Of course you can’t guarantee how people will feel about their names, but I imagine it’d be worse if you didn’t like the popularity of your name, and your siblings didn’t have the same problem.

F) Oh, no, definitely not. [name_f]My[/name_f] popularity stuff only applies to me. There are plenty of popular names I love, and I enjoy seeing them on other people’s lists. And if people keep using popular names they aren’t using my favourites, so even better for me :sweat_smile:.

A) Mostly, I just go off of what I seem to see around a lot but generally top 100. I don’t start pointing it out as a downside until the top 50, usually even less.

B) I don’t cut names for being popular. If I did my boy’s list would be almost nothing, lol. Sometimes a name I like gets popular enough That I start getting sick of it and it moves to the bottom of my list but I don’t think any have ever been fully taken off over popularity.

C) If its getting really popular I’m a little dismayed but for me its worse if a name I like gets really popular and then starts to fall because I’m also several years out from kids and wouldn’t want to use a name that had a huge popularity boom after its already past its prime. If the name I like is extremely rare then I’m delighted to see it gain popularity because to me there is such a thing as too rare and I’ pleased to see othe rpeople like my more out there picks.

D) It was a bit weird because my name is extremely popular (top 5) but I somehow didnt meet any others until I was a teenager so as a kid it felt special and I don’t know what its like to grow up with other people with the name but it did mean it was bit of a rude shock when I found out just how common it actually was and now as an adult I run into others quite a lot and its a little annoying having to figure out navigating two of the same name in a group. I don’t love that its so popular but it also hasn’t been terrible.

E) Yes, I’m pretty big on siblings having cohesive names so it would bug me if one kid had a name that had duplicates in their classes and the other had a name no one had ever heard of. They don’t have to be exactly the same but sort of the same neighborhood would be good. The more rare we’re talking the bigger the window gets as well. If one kid has a top 10 name then I would prefer the rest had pretty popular names as well, like definitely top 100, but if one kid is just barely outside the top thousand you could probably go anywhere between like 750 and 3000 before it starting feeling mismatched.

F) No.