See the results of this poll: Spelling preference?
Respondents: 80 (This poll is closed)
- Rafaela : 27 (34%)
- Rafaella : 8 (10%)
- Raphaela : 35 (44%)
- Raphaella: 10 (13%)
Respondents: 80 (This poll is closed)
[name_f]Rafaela[/name_f] looks best to me
The extra frilly Raphaella is my favorite!
Despite preferring the male [name_m]Raphael[/name_m], I like [name_f]Rafaela[/name_f], though [name_f]Raphaela[/name_f] would be my second favourite.
I like [name_f]Raphaela[/name_f], closely followed by [name_f]Rafaela[/name_f]!
[name_f]Rafaela[/name_f] looks cool! I love it!!
In my own bias opinion, [name_f]Raphaela[/name_f] (spoiler alert, don’t tell anyone, it is part of my name).
From personal experience, most assume it’s spelled [name_f]Rafaela[/name_f], while also pausing halfway to ask how many Ls to add (two? one? three?). I do understand it is because [name_f]Rafaela[/name_f] is the most common spelling in Spanish, and people are familiar with [name_m]Rafael[/name_m].
Looking at the options, I am starting to think Raphaella looks ‘cool’ and ‘regal’, but years of hearing “with a PH? What and LL too? Five Ls maybe? Any more letters?” whispers against it. At least, I wouldn’t do a double L with the F spelling, as you’ve said yourself, Spanish plays into it, even if we don’t speak Spanish (I don’t, but that was always people’s association)
In short:
The most common spelling: [name_f]Rafaela[/name_f] (don’t be surprised if someone assumes you speak Spanish)
The definitely not spelling: [name_f]Rafaella[/name_f]
My slightly-biased favorite spelling: [name_f]Raphaela[/name_f]
The step-away-from-any-Spanish-connections spelling: Raphaella - hey, [name_f]Ella[/name_f] is also very popular now, so there’s that. Spanish speakers might cry though. (I don’t mind )
Like a pp, I prefer [name_m]Raphael[/name_m] for a boy but [name_f]Rafaela[/name_f] on a girl. I think [name_f]Rafaela[/name_f] looks beautiful without trying too hard.
There is a clothing brand called [name_f]Rafaella[/name_f] so that is how I assumed most people spelled it.
I love [name_f]Raphaela[/name_f]. Something about it is so beautifully dark and mysterious.
I would assume [name_f]Raphaela[/name_f] as it is a family name. [name_f]Rafaela[/name_f] is cute too. The others are too frilly for me
I like [name_f]Rafaela[/name_f] best.
I like [name_f]Rafaela[/name_f] best – less frill, tidier, and I just generally like the F and single L better.
NMS, looks too much like [name_m]Ralph[/name_m]. [name_m]Ralph[/name_m] [name_f]Ella[/name_f].
I’m pretty much tied between [name_f]Raphaela[/name_f] and [name_f]Rafaela[/name_f], however; I ultimately choose the latter due to its popularity in the Spanish and Portuguese speaking communities along with being shorter.
I adore this name! [name_f]Rafaela[/name_f] is my favourite spelling.
I like both versions with one L. I think that [name_f]Raphaela[/name_f] would get less spelling errors, so that’s what I voted for, but it’s really equal with [name_f]Rafaela[/name_f] to me. I like both a lot.
I like [name_f]Rafaela[/name_f], it’s the simplest out of the four. [name_f]Raphaela[/name_f] is a close second though.
For me, it’s either [name_f]Rafaela[/name_f] or [name_f]Raphaela[/name_f]. I’m more familiar with [name_f]Rafaela[/name_f] but I think the spelling [name_f]Raphaela[/name_f] is softer.