Pregnancy and baby kicks question!

Hey preggo (and previously preggo) Berries,

I’m almost at Week 26 and I have another question for you all. It seemed like it took [name_u]FOREVER[/name_u] for me to be able to feel [name_u]Baby[/name_u] Girl kicking and moving (didn’t start until about Week 23, I have an anterior placenta) and then over the last 2 weeks, she’s been going crazy. Kicking, dancing, moving, all of it. Sometimes it feels like she’s doing an Irish Jig in there. I absolutely love it! She’s also started to get stronger so that it’s not soft little taps anymore, they’re real kicks that even my husband can feel with his hand. It’s wonderful and I smile and laugh every time.

My question is: how do you keep yourself from going nuts with worry when baby has a quiet day? Isn’t it normal to have a day or two where you feel baby less? For example, today. It was a very busy day for me and I was running errands, on my feet moving about, almost all day. And I’ve felt maybe one or two kicks. The rational part of me knows it’s normal to feel less movement when you’re very busy and walking a lot… but the hormonal, preggo, stressed out part of me is already worrying. So do you (or did you) ever have a day or two where the movement/kicks slow down? [name_m]How[/name_m] do you keep yourself from panicking and running straight to the OB?

Thanks so much for any advice, it’s always appreciated!

SO normal!!! I’ll have days like that and panic a little, but best thing you can do if you get to that point is to take a time out. Stop for a half hour or so, have a cold drink and you’ll feel movement which is enough to reassure you. Other thing you can do is do a kick count. Take a time out, drink something cold, eat something and count kicks/movements if you get really concerned. If you feel less than 10 movements of any kind in 2 hours then call the doc :slight_smile:

Thanks anniemarie! That makes me feel better. Except for the kick count thing - is it really that abnormal to go 2 hours without 10 movements? I just have a nagging feeling that if I do that, I’m going to be running to the OB immediately. I know she’s getting bigger but at this point she’s still only about a pound and a half, so I was thinking maybe it’s possible sometimes that she’s moved to an area where I can’t feel her or can’t feel her as easily…? I dunno. I’m sorry, I know I should relax since we’ve made it this far but I’ve read so many stories here on these forums about women losing babies in the second or third trimester that I can’t shake the worrying. Wish my brain had an erase button! Thanks so much for chiming in!!!

I’m a huge worrier. I would use the home doppler (sonoline b) I used before I could feel her kicks to check up on her when there was a quiet day…but I know not everyone is ok with those…it was the best decision for my sanity though. Other than pulling out the doppler…remind yourself that you notice movement less when youre moving around and chances are baby is sleeping a lot of the time that youre in motion. Sit down quietly or lay on your side, drink a cold glass of sugary juice or a ginger ale or something, eat something (DD would go CRAZY when I ate apple cinnamon oatmeal), and give it an hour. Quieter days are completely normal, but unnerving for mom!

I wouldn’t worry about it too much.
At 23 weeks you’re only feeling the stronger movements, not every little thing - so often you think your baby’s being still and really they are just not kicking as hard.
If you have been moving aound alot during your day, have a glass of ice water or eat something sweet & take a break. If you have been stagnant all day, go do something active. Your baby will feel the change in your activity & will probably respond.
If it has been a few days of no activity, then I would talk to your doctor.
Later in pregnancy you can worry more, but for now just be glad that baby isn’t “gas pedaling” your bladder.

If I thought I hadn’t felt her for a while, I’d drink ice water and lie down, I always felt her move within an hour.

10 in 2 hours seems like a lot I know, but i’m like you in that when i’m busy I can go an entire day without feeling him move - BUT if I actually get worried enough to do a kick count it’s reassuring because even at 32 weeks now he hasn’t failed one yet :slight_smile:

10 in 2 hours seems like a lot I know, but i’m like you in that when i’m busy I can go an entire day without feeling him move - BUT if I actually get worried enough to do a kick count it’s reassuring because even at 32 weeks now he hasn’t failed one yet :slight_smile:

Like Katieydenberg said too though, at 23 weeks i’d only just started feeling him kick at all, so it could just be that you’re only feeling the really strong movements, not all the little tumbles & rolls that will come as she gets bigger as well.

Thanks so much! I’m actually at Week 26 - the kicking began about 3 weeks ago at Week 23 but it had increased steadily since then. I’ve been paying a lot of attention today and she’s definitely moving and kicking, just less than the last few days. I hope I can make it the last trimester without losing my mind with worry every time she gets quiet!