Pregnancy cravings

I am just entering my third trimester (yay), and I wouldn’t say I have had any of the crazy cravings you seem to hear stories about all the time. I will say that if I could eat cereal and milk for [name]EVERY[/name] meal, I definitely would. I am not even picky about the kind of cereal, although coco pebbles and fruity pebbles are my biggest guilty pleasure. I did not dislike cereal before getting pregnant, but now I seriously think I would choose it over any other meal, anytime. lol. I only bring this up because I am out of milk, and am not going to be able to get anymore before tomorrow. I am weirdly bummed out by this. Did you berries have any certain food you just couldn’t put down while expecting? I would love to hear some stories, maybe I will feel like less of a weirdo for actually feeling sad about a cereal shortage :stuck_out_tongue:

I really liked salty things. Pickled onions, Kalamata Olives, Savory soups.

Also, I can admit it now because it is over, but I suffered from PICA cravings at the end of my last pregnancy. I really wanted to eat dishwasher tablets. I loved the smell and I would often let my mind wander and think about them. My mouth would even start to water. I never ate one. Also, I was not iron or magnesium deficient (a common cause of weird cravings). [name]Hope[/name] that makes you feel better :)!

Actually, cereal is a great craving. Many are fortified with the nutrients that your body needs right now, and you get a serving of dairy from the milk. For me cereal was just filling enough to keep me from feeling hungry (which can lead to nausea) but easier on my stomach than most meals (which can also lead to nausea).

Good luck!

I don’t know if I can say I’ve had any serious ‘cravings’, per se, but grilled cheese sandwiches are the best!! I’ve always like them, but I’ve been loving them this whole pregnancy. I find myself wanting things if I see a commercial for it on tv. …like Dairy [name]Queen[/name] blizzards, or McD’s chicken mcnuggets!

Edited to say: I’ve always been a big milk drinker, but when I’m pregnant, it’s definitely my drink of choice! …I’d be so upset if I ran out right now!

Haha, I’ve never been pregnant, but my mom did tell me about a laundry detergent craving she had when she was pregnant with my brother. Lol! Oh, gosh, I hope that doesn’t happen to me.
I just wanted to say that I love cereal all the time anyway and it does have a lot of great nutrients, so I definitely wouldn’t feel bad. In fact, as soon as the milk runs out, I go a little crazy as well, though probably not as bad as someone eating for two. ;). Congrats on entering your final trimester and good luck!

It’s funny to me that most of you guys love milk during pregnancy. I cannot drink it to save my life while pregnant, and I am addicted to it otherwise. I had a small meltdown earlier when I realized we were out of milk… Anyway, I don’t remember craving anything with DS1, but I had serious aversions. To everything. Although I threw up the entire nine months, so not much sounded good because I knew it was just coming back up. DS2 was very different. I craved guacamole from about 5 minutes after I got pregnant. I ate it all day, every day. No joke. I didn’t realize I was pregnant obviously for a few weeks. The craving subsided around 12 weeks. I also craved ice, big time! There is a restaurant here with crushed ice. It’s the best. I made my husband bring me a cup of it each day on his way home from work. He was so sweet, he had it every day. I have an iron-deficiency, so that’s supposed to be the reason I craved ice. But I like to munch on ice anyway. :slight_smile:

juice, juice, juice, some fruit, and more juice!

My mum told me she had a craving for fish when she was pregnant with me. I don’t know whether it had some effect on me as I’ve always been a big fish eater.

Ariannew, I like to eat ice as well. Definitely not pregnant, but I always eat the ice at the bottom of a drink if it hasn’t melted by the time I finish. [name]Glad[/name] to hear I’m not the only ice-eater out there :slight_smile:

I’m not pregnant, but my mother used to tease me because I get odd food cravings! Chinese food and popcorn, eggs and carrots, etc. And my friends tell me once I actually am pregnant they bet my cravings will start actually being normal :stuck_out_tongue: Tehe!

Haha caracakes, I wonder if that’s gonna happen to me too! I get the strangest cravings!

I craved fruit like crazy. At the beginning of my pregnancy I had a lot of food aversions, but I could eat fruit all day. I would go through phases. For a few weeks I ate papaya all day. Then I went through several weeks of a pineapple phase. I was also making smoothies for breakfast. Lately I’ve just been having two apples as a mid-morning snack and some berries with lunch. If blackberries and raspberries weren’t so expensive I would three containers a day.

I also have been obsessed with cheese, which isn’t good since I’m lactose intolerant. I had to buy some lactase pills because I HAVE to have cheese sandwiches. :slight_smile:

The food aversions were stronger than the cravings though. The first three months of my pregnancy I had to clean out my fridge and we couldn’t keep any food in there because the smells would bother me so much.