Prenatals VS Wine 🍷

Not TTC yet… But my doctor suggested it would be a good idea to start taking prenatal vitamins, in preparation/precaution of when we do start to try. In all honesty, I don’t think we’ll be trying for another year, or so.

After doing some research, I now have more questions. So I thought I’d ask here first, before having to make another doctors appointment.

It seems like alot of women take their prenatals before bed, to help with nausea, etc.
[name_f]My[/name_f] concern is, that I like to enjoy a glass (or two) of red wine at night occasionally throughout the week. And as we aren’t TTC right now, I don’t plan on cutting back my wine intake. That being said, I will stop drinking alcohol when we do start trying.

[name_f]My[/name_f] question is: If I take a prenatal during lunch well before I might have a glass of wine in the evening… will I still get the nutrients I need. [name_m]Or[/name_m] will the wine I intake on certain day(s) prohibit alot of the proper absorption of the vitamin?
I don’t think I should take it in the morning either, as I drink coffee once I wake up. And I’ve read that also prohibits alot of vitamin absorption?

TIA, I appreciate the advice.
Maybe I’m overthinking it? I just want to know if I’m setting myself up for failure by spending money on prenatals that won’t work effectively… I’m just not ready to change my life style yet.
(Note: [name_f]My[/name_f] doctor is aware I enjoy wine throughout my week. She didn’t mention anything. But I figured it wouldn’t hurt to ask).

If your doctor doesn’t see a problem with it, I don’t think it should be an issue. If your prenatal have iron then would avoid tea as it inhibits the absorption of iron, but if your doctor didn’t see an issue with the wine I wouldn’t worry. You can always ask though.

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I always took my prenatals with breakfast. I just made sure to eat half my breakfast first, then take them, and then eat the other half - sandwiching it stopped it from making me feel sick. I still always had my tea or coffee like usual without any problems.

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It’s usually people who are already pregnant who take prenatals at night because many people experience nausea in general, especially with prenatals. I took mine in the morning for both of my pregnancies because they didn’t bother me. Since you are not pregnant yet, you most likely could take them in the morning :slight_smile: and when you do get pregnant, you won’t be drinking the wine anymore anyway, so I think you’ll be good even if you want to take your prenatal at night. So either way, even if wine does affect absorption, you should be unaffected if you take your prenatal in the morning :slight_smile:

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I agree with others, take them in the morning.

Like has been said, most pregnant women take them at night because it makes them sick, but thats mainly because they’re already pregnant. Mine have never made me feel ill, and if they do there’s lots of different brands to try as well as different types of delivery methods, like pills, gummies or they also even have powdered prenatals.

As for the coffee it can affect absorption, but mainly it effects your absorption of zinc manganese and copper. And the main reason they tell you to start taking prenatals before becoming pregnant is to up your intake of folate (or folic acid) which caffeine does not affect, as far as Im aware. (And pregnant women are allowed to drink 1-2 cups of coffee a day, so personally I wouldn’t be too concerned about it.) BUT wine does affect your absorption of folic acid. So between the two, I would definitely choose the coffee over the wine.

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Thanks everyone I appreciate the advice!!
I started taking them today with my morning breakfast. :smiling_face: