Pronounce Ezekiel

I think the name [name_m]Ezekiel[/name_m] looks cool and different and I like that it’s Biblical and means God strengthens, but I have absolutely no idea how to pronounce it :confused: Could you Berries help me out and tell me how it’s pronounced?? Thanks in advance!


Technically it’s what kalebsmom said, but with my small town accent it comes out “uh-zeek-ee-uhl” lol. A couple from our church has a 3-year-old son named this, but he goes by [name_m]Zeke[/name_m] (zeek) and always goes up to people and says “[name_m]Hi[/name_m]! I’m Zekey {last name}”. It’s adorable :slight_smile:

I say more ez-zee-kee-el - a shorter e sound similar to [name_m]Ezra[/name_m]. That’s also how the Ezekiels I’ve heard of say it.

I’ve never heard it with an “ee” at the front. [name_m]Don[/name_m]'t know where that came from.

Uh-zee-kee-uhl, kind of. The uh is more a mixture of an ‘uh’ and an ‘ih’ sound.



Eh-zee-kee-el. I love [name_m]Ezekiel[/name_m]! It’s such a great name and you can have [name_m]Zeke[/name_m], [name_u]Kai[/name_u], or even Ezzie for nicknames! I had it on my top names for ages but then I bumped it for [name_m]Hezekiah[/name_m], which has a very similar sound.

I say 'ee-zee-kee-‘l’

Eh-zee-kee-el. It’s my little cousin’s name, he’s five and goes by [name_m]Zeke[/name_m] mostly. He is seriously one of my absolute favourite people in the entire world, so I am biased towards the name. I looked after him a lot after he was born. I bathed him, changed him, gave him his bottle and put him to bed-we spent so much time together, he feels like my own.

“Eh-zee-kee-uhl” is correct, but in my accent it sounds more like “eh-zeek-yuhl.”



I’m from Australia and I pronounce it like eh-zee-kee-uhl. However the -kee- and -uhl blend together a lot more than they do in writing. If that makes sense…I hope it makes sense.

I’d say say E-za-kee-el (E pronounced like the A in [name_f]Amelia[/name_f] - then za as in [name_m]Zac[/name_m]).

For me the first syllable is hardly spoken, more of an exhale when beginning the name. I knew someone with a little [name_m]Zeke[/name_m], pretty cute.

I’ve heard



