pronounciation of Este?

Hello Berries,
I’m really liking a new band called [name]Haim[/name] at the moment (well, they are new to me at least, but i might be hopelessly out of the loop with these things!). They are 3 sisters from [name]California[/name], and the lead singer is called Este. As far as I know, its not short for anything, its just Este- how would you pronounce that? I’m assuming its either like Est (1syllable) or Est-ay. [name]How[/name] would you pronounce it? Have you heard it before?

I would pronounce it “ess-tay” with two syllables (like Estée Lauder cosmetics). It’s an Italian place name and surname of a noble family.

I pronounce it es-teh. It almost sounds like es-tay but it stops short of the ay sound.

If I saw it I would pronounce is es-teh (like the letters, S.T.)

It may be short for “[name]Estelle[/name]”. Though I would look at Este and likely think the accent was missing as it looks French, as mentioned, maybe from the Estée Lauder reference. Est on it’s own means [name]East[/name] in French. I actually prefer it with the accent.

Good luck!

Es-teh. I’m Hispanic so I think that’s a really weird name considering it means “this” in Spanish.

Here, we pronounce it as Ess-tea. (virginia)

I think many people would pronounce it es-tea but I would pronounce it es-tay