Pronunciation help

how would you pronounce Adalie

  • ah-da-lee (like the beginning of Adam)
  • ay-da-lee (like the beginning of Aiden)
  • something else

0 voters

Ah-da-lee would be my first instinct

I agree that Ah-da-lee would be my first thought too

Yes, ah-da-lee (like Natalie) :blush:


I’d say it like ah-DAH-lee, with the emphasis on the second syllable.

my first thought was AD-uh-lee, but i think i prefer AY-duh-lee

Like Adele or uh-DAL-lie, but I think I have a weird reason… Adélie penguins. (To be clear, this is a positive association and I like the name Adalie). If emphasis is on the first syllable, then like Adam.