Pronunciation of Esther

See the results of this poll: How do you pronounce Esther?

Respondents: 46 (This poll is closed)

  • ES-ter (with a silent H) : 40 (87%)
  • ES-ther: 6 (13%)

I’ve only ever heard it pronounced ess-ter.

[name]Esther[/name] should be pronounced with a silent “h” (ess-ter).

My grandmother’s best friend was [name]Esther[/name] and she pronounced it like ES-ther. However, the THER was a little harsher of a sound and she was Russian so it was hard to tell what she meant to say in English, if that makes sense.

I’m not sure but I think in [name]German[/name] one would pronounce the H.
It would be more like Est-her with a very soft h. Almost like Est-aer.

All of the Esthers I’ve known pronounced it with a silent H.