Pronunciation of Ostara

Out of interest what is your go to pronunciation of [name_f]Ostara[/name_f]?

Ost-Ara or

[name_u]Or[/name_u] something different?

I’d guess at Ost-ara (ost like the sound it cost and lost)


I don’t actually know if this is the correct way to say it, but I’ve always pronounced it oss-tara!


Check it on the nb database.

It appears to be oh-STAR-ah

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I don’t know how it’s supposed to be pronounced but I hear it as “Oh - [name_f]Star[/name_f] - Ah”

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I pronounce it Oh-Star-uh

second this!

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The only time I’ve ever heard of someone called [name_f]Ostara[/name_f], it was pronounced ost-ara.

Oh-star-uh would be my natural instincy

I’d say ost-air-uh

I’ve always pronounced it oh-STAR-ah

This :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

oh-star-uh :white_heart:

This is my first time seeing it, but I initially said “Oh-Stara” in my head, with the emphasis on the [name_f]Star[/name_f] syllable.

my initial pronunciation sounds something like AW-stuh-ruh but then i immediately switched to OH-stuh-ruh. it took me looking at the name berry database to figure out the proper pronunciation