First question, how do you pronounce [name]Callum[/name]? Is it [name]Cal[/name]-Um or [name]Cay[/name]-[name]Lum[/name]? Second question/advice/opinion. DH and I love love love the name [name]Jameson[/name], but our last name is [name]Rober[/name]$on, pronounced [name]Rob[/name]-er-son. Should we just not even consider [name]Jameson[/name] since both first and last end in son? Honest opinions please. I think we just love it so much we can’t honestly decide if those names don’t go good.
I pronounce [name]Callum[/name] as [name]Cal[/name]-Um. I think it sounds similar to [name]Malcolm[/name].
Personally, I wouldn’t consider a first name ending in son with a last name that ended in that too. I’m sorry, but I think it sounds a bit sing-songy. [name]James[/name] [name]Roberson[/name] is a great alternative. Or something like [name]Jaime[/name], [name]Seamus[/name], or [name]Jago[/name].
It’s pronounced [name]Cal[/name]-um. [name]Don[/name]'t choose [name]Jameson[/name] if your last name is [name]Roberson[/name]. [name]How[/name] about [name]Callum[/name] [name]Roberson[/name] or [name]James[/name] [name]Roberson[/name]? Also, if it helps put you off, [name]Jameson[/name] is the name of a whiskey and the surname of a porn star!
I pronounce it “cal-um.” [name]Jameson[/name] [name]Roberson[/name] doesn’t sound good; I prefer [name]Callum[/name] [name]Roberson[/name] by a landslide.
Sorry, but I agree with pps. [name]Jameson[/name] [name]Roberson[/name] doesn’t sound great, and I would never do it myself – I nixed several of my most favorite names because they rhymed with our last name, so this is way overkill for my tastes. I much prefer [name]Callum[/name] (prn. [name]CAL[/name]-um) [name]Roberson[/name] or [name]James[/name] [name]Roberson[/name] – actually, I think I prefer the way [name]James[/name] sounds with your last name and it’s one of my top names. I know a [name]James[/name] who goes by the nn [name]Jay[/name], which made me fall hopelessly in love with this name even more than I already was.
Alright, we won’t do [name]Jameson[/name] (insert sad face here). DH really likes the sound of [name]Cay[/name]-[name]Lum[/name], is that a name? [name]How[/name] is it spelled?
I taught a boy named Caelum (pronounced [name]Cay[/name]-lum). I think it’s a made-up name. If you want that “cay” sound, I’d go with [name]Caleb[/name]. Or just stick with [name]Callum[/name].
After some searching around, I did find a few people named Caylum or Caelum, but as someone said it seems to be a made up name, which i’m not down with. Back to the drawing board! Thanks!
My little brother is [name]Callum[/name] and we pronounce it [name]Cal[/name]-um. [name]Jameson[/name] [name]Roberson[/name] is too rhymey, for sure. [name]Do[/name] you like [name]James[/name] or [name]Jamie[/name]? [name]James[/name] [name]Roberson[/name] or [name]Jamie[/name] [name]Roberson[/name] are both handsome, and so is [name]Callum[/name] [name]Roberson[/name]!
Honestly, I think [name]Jameson[/name] is too similar, both in sound and style, to your surname. It sounds more like a double barrel surname than a first/last combo.