Okay, so one of my closest friends is changing her name, and her top choice is [name_f]Elsie[/name_f]. She’s wondering if she could get some opinions on this choice?
Any replies would be very helpful and appreciated, thanks in advance.
Okay, so one of my closest friends is changing her name, and her top choice is [name_f]Elsie[/name_f]. She’s wondering if she could get some opinions on this choice?
Any replies would be very helpful and appreciated, thanks in advance.
I love [name_f]Elsie[/name_f], especially [name_f]Elizabeth[/name_f] nn [name_f]Elsie[/name_f]. As a full name (just [name_f]Elsie[/name_f]) it’s very sweet.
It’s cute, but there is the association w/[name_f]Elsie[/name_f] the cow…just something to consider.
I love [name_f]Elsie[/name_f]. I think it is adorable. I like it on its own, but I would use a longer name with the nn [name_f]Elsie[/name_f] (even though I’m not a fan of [name_f]Elizabeth[/name_f]/[name_f]Elisabeth[/name_f]). I’ve never heard the [name_f]Elsie[/name_f] the cow reference, so I think it is alright.
I like [name_f]Elsie[/name_f] but more as a nn than as a full name. For me, as a full name it sounds a bit too cutesy.