Random Name Ponderings!

Some name related questions I’ve been pondering lately… [name]Love[/name] to hear your thoughts! If you’re in the mood to tackle some name questions, have at 'em. Thanks!

What do you think of the name [name]Shelby[/name]? _______________
What’s your favorite middle name for [name]Nathan[/name]? _________
Thoughts on the name [name]Campbell[/name] nn Camp for a boy? _____________
Would you use a name that ryhmes or sounds like “gorilla?” __________
Thoughts on the name [name]Jacoby[/name]? _______________
Does it bother you more to see siblings that share a first letter to their names, or the same ending syllable? ______________
Would you use a “filler” middle name if it was a family tradition or family name? ______________

What do you think of the name [name]Shelby[/name]? Not my favorite. It seems dated and I was suprised when a guy I went to school with (he’s about 22) chose it for his daughter.
What’s your favorite middle name for [name]Nathan[/name]? For some reason [name]Elijah[/name] popped into my head. They are both nice names, but neither I would personally use.
Thoughts on the name [name]Campbell[/name] nn Camp for a boy? Dislike. Too surname-y.
Would you use a name that ryhmes or sounds like “gorilla?” It depends on the name and how much I love it. Most likely no, though.
Thoughts on the name [name]Jacoby[/name]? I have always like it. I would be afraid of people mispronouncing it [name]Jacob[/name]-ee.
Does it bother you more to see siblings that share a first letter to their names, or the same ending syllable? Yes it does bother me a little, but for example since I already have a son named [name]Silas[/name] I would rather choose [name]Sylvie[/name] or [name]Seth[/name] for a sibling than [name]Iris[/name] or [name]Elias[/name]. Another name that ends with an S sounds sillier than a name that starts with an S [name]IMO[/name].
Would you use a “filler” middle name if it was a family tradition or family name? Not if I didn’t love the name.

What do you think of the name [name]Shelby[/name]? – I think it’s slightly cowgirlish, and I love it, not sure if I’d exactly use it though since I have other names I like better like [name]Chesney[/name], [name]Libby[/name] and [name]Sophie[/name] :slight_smile:
What’s your favorite middle name for [name]Nathan[/name]? – [name]James[/name] is a given, but I like being a little different, so I’d say: Jediah
Thoughts on the name [name]Campbell[/name] nn Camp for a boy? Eeeewwww! Are you serious? [name]Campbell[/name] is totally, (I can’t find the right word.) I say: NOOO! But here are other suggestions: [name]Creed[/name], [name]Graham[/name], or [name]Ryker[/name]
Would you use a name that ryhmes or sounds like “gorilla?” --If it really, like really, really sounds like Gorilla, probably Not! If the spelling is not at all like Gorilla it could be an option…
Thoughts on the name [name]Jacoby[/name]? --Never was a fan, but I like [name]Cody[/name] (d not b!)
Does it bother you more to see siblings that share a first letter to their names, or the same ending syllable? --It bothers me to see siblings that share the first letter (Like say the first 3 are: [name]Jason[/name], [name]Joseph[/name] and [name]Jared[/name] and along comes [name]Brady[/name], than [name]Matthew[/name], it’s like ok?? or [name]Geneva[/name], [name]Heather[/name], [name]Hadley[/name], JoyAnna… etc.)
Would you use a “filler” middle name if it was a family tradition or family name? – Depends what it is!! :slight_smile:

What do you think of the name [name]Shelby[/name]? It sounds a bit like a dogs name to me. It also has an air of the dated [name]Sheldon[/name] about it.
What’s your favorite middle name for [name]Nathan[/name]? [name]Nathan[/name] [name]James[/name] came to mind first, though [name]Nathan[/name] [name]Campbell[/name], [name]Nathan[/name] [name]Oliver[/name], and [name]Nathan[/name] [name]Thomas[/name] also sound good to me. I never realized but as a first name it does seem to clash with a lot of my favourites as middles.
Thoughts on the name [name]Campbell[/name] nn Camp for a boy? I love [name]Campbell[/name], but Camp is not a good nn. On a person, I don’t think so much of the thing you do outside in tents as the thing actors do when they’re being silly or very effeminate. [name]Cam[/name] is fine.
Would you use a name that ryhmes or sounds like “gorilla?” It depends on the name, I think. If it sounds so similar it would be misheard, definitely not. But people say [name]Fenella[/name] sounds like Vanilla and I can’t really hear that without straining, so…
Thoughts on the name [name]Jacoby[/name]? Looks like a surname to me because of the actor [name]Derek[/name] [name]Jacobi[/name], but it isn’t weird as a first name.
Does it bother you more to see siblings that share a first letter to their names, or the same ending syllable? Only if it’s obnoxious. I wouldn’t be nearly as weirded out by brother & sister [name]Emrys[/name] and Elowen as I would be by siblins [name]Emrys[/name], Elowen, [name]Evan[/name], [name]Ewan[/name], Eirlys, [name]Eleanor[/name], and [name]Evelina[/name], for example. As for the same ending syllable, I think it’s weirder if it is an unusual ending syllable ([name]Idris[/name] & [name]Emrys[/name] are weirder than [name]Tyler[/name] and [name]Asher[/name], for example).
Would you use a “filler” middle name if it was a family tradition or family name? EDITED because I missed this: I’ve never been big on tradition or anything like that, so I can’t really imagine using an overused mn even if it was a family name. I wouldn’t object to it if it was important to the father, though.

What do you think of the name [name]Shelby[/name]? dont like! being from the UK its pretty much unheard of, or only in films.

What’s your favorite middle name for [name]Nathan[/name]? prefer [name]Nathaniel[/name] (nn [name]Nate[/name]), mn [name]Joseph[/name]

Thoughts on the name [name]Campbell[/name] nn Camp for a boy? nope, dont like, ‘camp’ is purely used to describe an [name]OTT[/name] iffeminate male in the UK so it doesnt have flattering connertations to me.

Would you use a name that ryhmes or sounds like “gorilla?” depends what it is - eg [name]Marilla[/name] - fine. cant think of any others, but it wouldnt automatically put me off.

Thoughts on the name [name]Jacoby[/name]? prn?? ‘[name]Jack[/name]-o-bee’? yes, like, ‘jacob-y’? no.

Does it bother you more to see siblings that share a first letter to their names, or the same ending syllable? i wouldnt go for the same sex having the same first letter but it doesnt bother me for a brother and sister to share it, unless it sounds too cutsie or the name itself sounds too similar. similar for same ending syllable - would bother me more on the same sex than different.

Would you use a “filler” middle name if it was a family tradition or family name? by filler you mean common/ well used? i would only ever use a name i really liked, even if i was wanting to follow a family tradition or use a family name.