I’m up for the challenge, and I’m bored, so here goes…
[name]Katniss[/name]: I think it’s the most usable of the group; I thought it was abrasive at first, but it also grew on me, and nn aren’t a problem.
[name]Titania[/name]: This name is a close second…actually maybe even tied with [name]Katniss[/name]. It’s very pretty and I’m not sure why it’s on this list, actually…
[name]Gertrude[/name]: NMS, but has the nns of [name]Trudy[/name] and [name]Gertie[/name] going for it
[name]Anemone[/name]: Not horrific, but a big mouthful of a name; nice nn potential: [name]Annie[/name], [name]Mona[/name], [name]Amy[/name], Nem.
Valkyrie: I kind of like how brave the name is, and [name]Val[/name] is a legit nn, as is [name]Kyrie[/name], so it could be usable
[name]Narcissa[/name]: meh…I don’t want to name my child after someone so conceited, but it isn’t the worst name on the list
[name]Peony[/name]: Not a bad name, just…can’t you hear the schoolyard taunts? Pee-on-me? But, peonies are my favorite flowers, so…
[name]Psyche[/name]: I love the [name]Cupid[/name]/[name]Psyche[/name] myth, BUT…too related to Psycho to really be usable, though I actually like the name
Arachne: Again, another myth I enjoyed, but too many people are hung up on spiders.
Hecate: I like how it sounds when pn correctly (which would NEVER happen), but the mythological association is too strong for me
[name]Narnia[/name]: Might be an okay middle for a fan…
Aetherie:It’s unusual, but I kind of like it. It could work on the right child.
Names that are just plain clunky/bulky/etc.
[name]Bertha[/name]: [name]Just[/name]…no.
[name]Adolfa[/name]/[name]Adolpha[/name]–Um, no–plus, the association is way too overwhelming.
Names that are just too much…something:
Taisy: [name]Tansy[/name]? [name]Daisy[/name]? [name]Maisy[/name]?
Irelynn: Why not [name]Ireland[/name]?
[name]Nevaeh[/name]: Eh…
McKynlee: I still don’t get the McBaby trend. Or the [name]Kinley[/name]/Tinley/[name]Tinsley[/name]/Kensley/etc. trend, either.
[name]Renesmee[/name]: Yeah…not sure how [name]Kristen[/name] [name]Stewart[/name] even delivered the lines suggesting this name with a straight face…
[name]Princess[/name]: Good for a puppy maybe?
[name]Eartha[/name]: Why not [name]Gaia[/name] or [name]Ceres[/name] or something along those lines?
Merlot: Yes. Name your baby after alcohol. Moet, [name]Chardonnay[/name], Zinfadel…why not?
Goldenrod: Sounds like a weed, but has a cute nn of [name]Goldie[/name]; the “rod” part is a little harsh and masculine
Saryniti: Okay, at first I thought this was a name from another country, and it finally dawned on me that it is [name]Serenity[/name], which is FINE. Saryniti is HORRIBLE.
Enodia: What is this name even?
Names that should not be used on kids, ever:
[name]Hortensia[/name]: Really? Hore-tense is still the root of this name. Your daughter would loathe you.
[name]Urania[/name]: Why would anyone ever do that to their child?!?
Not a Name, but an [name]Urban[/name] [name]Legend[/name]:
Abcde: lol