Thoughts on [name_m]Raphael[/name_m] [name_m]Arthur[/name_m] with nickname [name_m]Rafe[/name_m] [name_f][/name_f]? How do consider [name_m]Raphael[/name_m] as far as vibes and popularity [name_f][/name_f]?
Thoughts on [name_m]Raphael[/name_m] [name_m]Arthur[/name_m] with nickname [name_m]Rafe[/name_m] [name_f][/name_f]? How do consider [name_m]Raphael[/name_m] as far as vibes and popularity [name_f][/name_f]?
It’s a handsome name! I have always loved [name_m]Arthur[/name_m] and have recently started loving [name_m]Raphael[/name_m], so this gets a 10/10 from me.
[name_m]Arty[/name_m], adventurous, and charming [name_f][/name_f]- I like it
Very handsome name!
[name_f][/name_f]I think [name_m]Raphael[/name_m] is relatively rare I only know one.
[name_m]Raphael[/name_m] is gorgeous! The fact that it is not popular makes it even more attractive! [name_f][/name_f] I think a middle name with the same vibe would work. [name_m]Arthur[/name_m] isn’t that vibe. [name_f][/name_f] Perhaps after a loved one! I’m not a fan of middle names for the sake of middle names. [name_f][/name_f] I prefer they bestow an honor on a special relative or friend.
it depends where you are and how it’s spelt. I wouldn’t call it popular but it’s also not unusual. Having worked in schools across [name_m]London[/name_m] I’ve come across a few from a variety of backgrounds.
[name_f][/name_f]I like [name_m]Raphael[/name_m]. Personally not a fan of [name_m]Rafe[/name_m], but I like Raph, [name_m]Rafa[/name_m], [name_m]Raffi[/name_m].
[name_f][/name_f][name_m]Raphael[/name_m] feels sophisticated, academic, artistic and slightly celestial, whereas [name_m]Rafael[/name_m] has a much more Hispanic feel and is possibly slightly more cool kid than [name_m]Raphael[/name_m]. But both are very handsome names.
and with Arthur…I like both [name_m]Raphael[/name_m] and [name_m]Arthur[/name_m], but for me [name_m]Raphael[/name_m] [name_m]Arthur[/name_m] feels like a bit of a mouthful to say, and doesn’t have the best flow, but they are both lovely names and I think they are stylistically cohesive.
Does [name_m]Raphael[/name_m] [name_m]Forest[/name_m] have a better sound than [name_m]Raphael[/name_m] [name_m]Arthur[/name_m]?
[name_m]Raphael[/name_m] [name_m]Forest[/name_m] is easier to say, but I like it less [name_f][/name_f] sorry. It feels less stylistically cohesive. Strangely I think I would be more on board with something like [name_m]Raphael[/name_m] Hazelwood, [name_m]Raphael[/name_m] [name_m]Redwood[/name_m], [name_m]Raphael[/name_m] Sylvano than [name_m]Raphael[/name_m] [name_m]Forest[/name_m].
I love [name_m]Raphael[/name_m] [name_m]Arthur[/name_m]- it’s such a strong, heroic combo! [name_m]Raphael[/name_m] is a strong, yet sweet name for a boy and [name_m]Arthur[/name_m] always reminds me of [name_m]Arthur[/name_m] and the Knights of the Round Table!
[name_m]Raphael[/name_m] is such a beautiful name! [name_f][/name_f] I prefer [name_m]Rafa[/name_m] to [name_m]Rafe[/name_m], but [name_m]Rafe[/name_m] is super cool as well. [name_f][/name_f] I would love to meet a little [name_m]Raphael[/name_m] [name_m]Arthur[/name_m]. [name_f][/name_f] [name_m]Arthur[/name_m] is beautiful with him.