Rayna or Raina?

See the results of this poll: Rayna or Raina?

Respondents: 39 (This poll is closed)

  • Rayna : 12 (31%)
  • Raina: 27 (69%)

I like [name_f]Raina[/name_f] better. [name_f]Rayna[/name_f] makes me wanna drag out the -ay sound. Like instead of just [name_u]Rain[/name_u]-uh, it becomes Raayyyy-na. Maybe its just me.
I had [name_f]Raina[/name_f] at the top of my list, and then my brother dated one… she was a sweet heart, but they are no longer together and I think that would make it awkward to name a kid that now. Oh, well.

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Yeah, I also prefer [name_f]Raina[/name_f]. I came up with [name_f]Raina[/name_f] [name_f]Rose[/name_f].

[name_f]Raina[/name_f] looks lovely

[name_f]Raina[/name_f] is beautiful!

I prefer [name_f]Raina[/name_f]. It’s actually at the top of my own list.

[name_m]How[/name_m] about the Spanish spelling [name_f]Reina[/name_f]? It means queen.

[name_f]Raina[/name_f] also means queen. I prefer this spelling.

Between those two I prefer [name_f]Rayna[/name_f], but I really like the [name_f]Reyna[/name_f] spelling.

Hmm [name_f]Raina[/name_f] seems more nature-y, [name_f]Rayna[/name_f]/[name_f]Reyna[/name_f] more queenly. Which meaning do you prefer?

[name_f]Reyna[/name_f] is my favorite spelling, followed by [name_f]Reina[/name_f].

Of these two, I’m really torn but I know a nice girl named [name_f]Rayna[/name_f] so that’s my vote.

Of the many variations of this name I tend to prefer [name_f]Reina[/name_f]/[name_f]Reyna[/name_f] myself, however, of these two, I like [name_f]Rayna[/name_f] best. I like the strength and stability of [name_f]Rayna[/name_f], though [name_f]Raina[/name_f] is nice for being light and nature-y, so I guess it depends which ‘vibe’ you’re going for.

I’m in the minority and I prefer [name_f]Rayna[/name_f].

Probably [name_f]Raina[/name_f].

Update: [name_f]Raina[/name_f] and [name_f]Reina[/name_f] are my favorite spellings. However, [name_f]Reina[/name_f] is my absolute favorite :slightly_smiling_face:

I prefer [name_f]Raina[/name_f]. However, I do have a cousin named [name_f]Reyna[/name_f] and I think it’s pretty!

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