Real peoples first names.....

J (just the letter!)

What do you think of these names?
I didnt make any of these up no matter how outrageous they may seem. I mean seriously Ar’kevous!!! I am all for unique names but these cross the line. people that give their kids names like these shouldn’t be allowed to have kids.

i understand what you are saying. I personally dont see the appeal on those names either but i have to say i find that comment really offensive. As much as I dont like those names they say nothing about the parents and their parenting. My name is [name]Rebecca[/name] and i was sexually and physically abused by both parents just because they named me a normal name does not make them normal parents and naming your kid something wacky or out there does not make someone a bad parent and certainly does not mean they shouldnt be allowed to have kids.

its not really fair to judge people on name choices, i think it is quite mean. It really riles me when people make assumptions on character and parenting based on name choices. it just isnt right. i’ve heard parents beind judged as lower class, hippies, upper class snobs, uneducated etc.

So i dont understand misspelt names i still wont judge someone as uneducated or lower class or ‘must be a teenage pregnancy’ that just isnt fair.

i’m sorry if i’m taking this all too personally i just find it quite upsetting.

phew. rant over!

You can’t tar every single person who names their child a ridiculous name unintelligent - BUT you sure as hell can generalise and admit that they PROBABLY are. There’s nothing wrong with discussing it.

On the topic of the actual names, I think Jovannah is reasonable, though [name]Johanna[/name] or [name]Giovanna[/name] would have been much nicer. The rest, awful.

I knew an older lady named [name]Mozelle[/name] once, but the rest I find a little out there.

Yikes! I’d be embarrassed with those names! Think of how a name looks on a resume, as well as fitting your tastes. I mean, ye’lexis?? Come on!

Here are some of the more interesting names I’ve seen irl:


i know 3 Hennesy’s

i know [name]Teal[/name],Chanteara,Vonshawntres,Vonshawntres,[name]Precious[/name],[name]Kimber[/name],[name]Nevaeh[/name] [name]Rayne[/name],L’Yaunie A"mia"amore(yes it’s her whole name), [name]Marigold[/name],[name]Jae[/name]'BreOnne [name]Alexus[/name], and many more

Helie - Kind of cute
Wesberte - I think I would like Wesbert better
Cordrington - A mouthful of a name. I like Corington better.
[name]Tighe[/name] - No way, looks too much like “thigh”
Ar’kevous - I like it sound of the name, but not the way it looks written down. It sounds like a gladiator’s name!
[name]Shan[/name]’[name]Teara[/name] - Kind of pretty when spoken out loud
Ja’Vontae - Vontea would be prettier
Najair - No. [name]Just[/name] no.
[name]Keli[/name]‘Jah - Not really liking it
Hezabia - Reminds me of a name I saw on my family tree
[name]Char[/name]‘Terria - [name]Char[/name] reminds me of chargrill
[name]Shan[/name]’[name]Teara[/name] - already commented on it
Jymetre - Not a fan
Ja’[name]Morris[/name] - Not a fan
Carlmesia - Not a fan
Ye’[name]Lexis[/name] - A’[name]Lexis[/name] would be neater
J (just the letter!) - [name]Jay[/name] would give the same sound but more of a backbone for the name
Jovannah - Reminds me too much of Jehovah
[name]Tye[/name]'Ja - Actually really cute
[name]Mozelle[/name] - Reminds me of mozzarella
[name]Don[/name]‘Shanay - No
De’[name]Andrea[/name] - nice
Jamesia - No
Ar’taja - Really pretty when said out loud
Ta’teyana - don’t like it
Antinique - Kind of cute actually!
T’naya - no

I’m detecting a bit of veiled racism here. This article is definitely worth a read:What’s up with black names, anyway?

I wonder if any of these are combinations of their parents’ names. [name]Keli[/name]'Jah, [name]Don[/name]‘Shanay, Carlmesia, and Ja’[name]Morris[/name] seem like they very well could be. It is not my culture’s way of honoring relatives but neither would I name a child [name]Charles[/name] [name]Edwin[/name] IV.

I think names with apostrophes are just awful…There are two I can think of that I’ve met in real life. A’Briahn - pronounced like [name]Aubrey[/name] [name]Ann[/name] and T’Leesha. [name]Both[/name] awful.

I met a little girl named Carzie once. I thought that was weird and that her parents were trying too hard to be trendy when they named her. I also knew a Zah’Quayvia once.

I know a [name]Beige[/name] who has a brother named [name]Josh[/name] I think. With a lot of these they could go by for example D’[name]Andrea[/name], [name]Andrea[/name] or [name]Andie[/name].

I agree. Let’s-make-fun-of-African-American-names threads aren’t too cool :frowning:

I think there’s a difference between exotic, unique, and absurd.

Some of those names (Hezabia, Najair) strike me as ethnic.
Some (Jamesia, Antinique) don’t seem all that terrible to me. I don’t know that I’ve ever known a Jamesia, but it seems as good a feminization of [name]James[/name] as any other, and Antinique doesn’t seem that far away from [name]Antonia[/name] or [name]Monique[/name]. I tend to be a traditionalist, so I don’t think I’d pick them, but they wouldn’t even hit my top 50 of bad names.

For some reason, a name like Ja’Vontae or [name]Shan[/name]’[name]Teara[/name] doesn’t irk me as much as something like Twinkle (really? I try so hard to keep an open mind about word names, but Twinkle? I don’t know if the first thing that came to mind was a nursery rhyme or something you do in the toilet.)

Look I’m all for having opinions about names and even disliking or hating a name personally. But when we start insulting the names parents pick for their kids just because we don’t like them and saying that they don’t deserve to have kids we cross the lines. I’m sure people hate some of the names me or you like, and I’ve heard some names that I think are terrible, but unless the parent ia going to name their child Hitler or [name]Lucifer[/name] or Couch or something ridiculous like that, it’s not okay to tell someone what they should or shouldn’t name THEIR kid.

My cousin went to school with a girl named Kowabunga and a boy named Jaranamo, and they were twins!!!