
I have been considering [name]Remi[/name]/[name]Remy[/name] for my little girl for some time and have done a little research on the name that I thought others might find interesting…

On this site [name]Remy[/name] is listed as the primary name, while [name]Remi[/name] is a variation. On Nameberry it states that [name]Remy[/name] mans “Oarsman” and is French.

Another source lists [name]Remi[/name] as the primary and [name]Remy[/name] as a variation. This particular resource lists the origin as “Rheims, [name]France[/name]” but gives no other meaning.

Yet a third resource lists [name]Remy[/name] as the primary and [name]Remi[/name] as a variation, and gives two meanings: Oarsman and Remedy.

The most complete explanation I have found lists says…

The boy’s name [name]Remy[/name] \r(e)-my, also used as girl’s name [name]Remy[/name], is of French origin, and its meaning is “from Rheims”. Champagne and brandies are the main products of Rheims, a town in central [name]France[/name]. [name]Saint[/name] [name]Remi[/name] (fifth century) was a French saint. [name]Author[/name] [name]Remy[/name] Charlip. [name]Remy[/name] has 7 variant forms: [name]Remee[/name], [name]Remi[/name], [name]Remie[/name], Remmey, [name]Remmy[/name], [name]Remo[/name] and [name]Remy[/name].

I am inclined to believe that [name]Remy[/name] is the original and [name]Remi[/name] is the variation… however I am not sure where this meaning of “Oarsman” came from, especially since Rheims is a central town in [name]France[/name] and does not appear to be on any major water-way.

[name]Just[/name] thought I would share… all very interesting!

[name]Remy[/name] is cute! I’d prefer it to be a nn for a longer name, like [name]Remington[/name]. [name]Remington[/name] nn [name]Remy[/name] would be nice

[name]Remy[/name] is cute, but I like it with a y. Names that end in i seem so incomplete to me.

If [name]Remy[/name] is the name you love, than I would say to go with that. There’s no reason to get stuck with a longer you don’t even like.

Oh its just one we are considering, and yes I like it short for something longer. The current favorite long name is [name]Rosemarie[/name] nn [name]Remi[/name]. I have three other names on the list still though and will likely not decide until we see her.

[name]Just[/name] thought the history and differences in sources was interesting.

I will look into this and really think about it for a while! So check my post from time to time because I will keep adding to it.
[name]Just[/name] thought of:
[name]Gramercy[/name]. but [name]Pam[/name] and [name]Linda[/name] don’t exactly endorse it. Reverse the mer to get rem.
[name]Marina[/name] - it’s a stretch.
[name]Meredith[/name] - reverse the Mer to get [name]Rem[/name]
[name]Merlina[/name] - ditto
[name]Reima[/name] - Finnish for [name]Raymond[/name]. A boy’s name. But I think it could be a girl’s name. [name]Don[/name]'t know how to pronounce it.
[name]Ramona[/name] - I really love [name]Ramona[/name] nn [name]Remy[/name] or [name]Remi[/name].
Rosamel! So lovely! Has an r, an m, and an e! I love it!

What about if the first letter of the first name started with an “R” and then the middle name started with “[name]Emi[/name]”? Or you could have two middle names. The first name could start with “R”, the first middle could start with “E”, and then the second middle could start with “M”?
First idea:
[name]Rose[/name] [name]Emilia[/name]

Second Idea:
[name]Rose[/name] [name]Evelyn[/name] [name]Millie[/name]

Well, someone might be confusing the name [name]Remy[/name] as a French version of the [name]Roman[/name] name [name]Remus[/name], which does mean oarsman. There are a lot of false or folk etymologies for names on baby name sites and even in books. It’s a case of bad editing, really. [name]Katherine[/name], for example, doesn’t come from the Greek ‘katharos’ (pure), but you will still see books giving pure as its meaning.

i was always told growing up that remy was the male form and remi was the fem. form. I like my name, but sometimes people have trouble saying at and spelling it. It is a pretty rare name and growing up i was the only one with the name remi.