What are your thoughts on this name? I found it in a name book and thought it was interesting. How would you pronounce it? Anyone else heard this before?
Id say Ray-den but its kinda ambiguous. I like the sound but not the look very much.
I would pronounce it red-in maybe reed-in. I don’t like the look, the sound is ok. Personally I think it’s a little too masculine for my personal taste. It’s not bad though.
I’d say RED-din
I don’t love it - it looks like a made up modern name to me!
I don’t know exactly why, but it fills me with dread. Almost like how redrum is murder spelled backward.
I would pronounce it ray-din. It looks like a name from a sci-fic to me. However, at first glance I would think it belongs to a boy.
Where I live (Ireland) it’s a popular enough name I pronounce Rhedyn - [name_u]Ray[/name_u] din
A similar name is Raidín pronunced [name_u]Ray[/name_u] dean
Looking through all the other replies, I probably pronounce it wrong, but I’m going to write it anyway. I pronounce it rye-din. With this pronunciation, I think I actually like it! The spelling is what’s throwing me off.
Interesting! Maybe I should use it for a character…
I actually like a bunch of masculine girls names so I’m okay with that. Thanks all!