River or Ry for a boy

[name]Just[/name] looking for some feedback:
We are tossing up between the names [name]River[/name] or [name]Ry[/name] for our baby boy. We love them both equally and are having a hard time deciding which one. [name]Just[/name] wondering what others prefer, and why?
(His older brother is [name]Finn[/name])

[name]River[/name]. I love this on a boy.
[name]Ry[/name] always feels misspelled to me like it’s supposed to say [name]Rye[/name] and then I think on whisky. And while rye-whisky and rye-grains are great I’m not sure that’s something I’d want to associate my child with. [name]Ry[/name] as a nn for [name]Ryan[/name] or [name]Rylan[/name] totally works for me though.

[name]River[/name] - it’s been my top name for quite along time.

I love [name]River[/name]. [name]Ryan[/name] seems like a nickname to me.

I really love [name]River[/name]. [name]Ry[/name] is too short for my liking.

I adore [name]River[/name]. [name]Ry[/name] seems like it’s short for something else. [name]River[/name] is very handsome, and you could always call him [name]Rio[/name] for short.

[name]River[/name] is cool. [name]Ry[/name] is not ([name]IMO[/name]). [name]Ry[/name] sounds way too much like the nickname for [name]Ryan[/name] (or perhaps [name]Rylan[/name]). Some nicknames might work as given names, but [name]Ry[/name] just feels insignificant and chopped off.

[name]River[/name] - while I wouldn’t use it myself - Is a beautiful, calm, nature name. I like it.

All of what lexiem said!

I really like [name]River[/name] but I’m not a fan of [name]Ry[/name].

Thank you all for your feedback! It is great to hear people’s honest opinions and ideas! Still deciding . . .

I love [name]River[/name]! It’s my favorite nature name for a boy. [name]Ry[/name] seems incomplete, and I’d only use it as a nn for [name]Riley[/name]. Good luck!

I also prefer [name]River[/name], for the reasons others listed (and it goes well with [name]Finn[/name]!). If you were set on [name]Ry[/name], I’d use something longer and use [name]Ry[/name] as a nickname.

I love love love [name]River[/name]. I also like [name]Ry[/name] but only as a nickname for [name]Ryan[/name].