Robin Kai?

I think there’s an actor named [name]Robbie[/name] [name]Kay[/name],and I like the rhythm of it.
I’m thinking of [name]Robin[/name] [name]Kai[/name] as FN and MN,for [name]Robin[/name] [name]Kay[/name] sounds feminine.
I like [name]Robin[/name] for boys,and I can accept [name]Kai[/name],though I’m not a big fan of it.
I’d like to know your opinions.Thank you!

Im not a big fan of either… I have never really like [name]Robin[/name] for a boy or a girl… but it does sound girly to me…

[name]Kai[/name] isnt really my style either…

there are LOTS of names with good rhythm and flow… find a fist name you like and ask for help with the middle to get a good name with a good flow!

I think [name]Robin[/name] in general sounds feminine since I’ve never met a male [name]Robin[/name].

I’m not a fan of [name]Kai[/name], they are two different style of names so it just sounds awkward together

I love [name]Robin[/name] on a boy!

But I think he needs a more manly-sounding middle name than [name]Kai[/name].

What about:

[name]Robin[/name] [name]Ulysses[/name]
[name]Robin[/name] [name]James[/name]
[name]Robin[/name] [name]Miles[/name]
[name]Robin[/name] [name]Cash[/name]
[name]Robin[/name] [name]Edward[/name]

[name]Robin[/name] [name]Kai[/name] could work , they are both nature names and both a tad unexpected.

BUT [name]Robin[/name] is pretty heavily feminine. It’s out of style enough for girls that I think it could come in a little for boys (two male namesakes: [name]Christopher[/name] [name]Robin[/name], [name]Robin[/name] in Batman - but note they are both young characters so it’s still sort of a “boys name” not a “mans name”), but I can still imagine most people guessing a little [name]Robin[/name] is a girl.

I know [name]Robert[/name] is a little out of style, but I kind of love it anyway - then [name]Robbie[/name] can be a nickname, or [name]Rob[/name], I also plan to use maybe [name]Ro[/name] and/or [name]Bo[/name] if I have a [name]Robert[/name]. He could be [name]Robert[/name] nn [name]Robin[/name] too.

Another option is [name]Robinson[/name]. Much more masculine. A little bit Crusoe, but I think that’s fading from memory as the movie gets older and people read classic novels less. Maybe even [name]Robertson[/name] (but to me that makes me think of [name]Pat[/name] [name]Robertson[/name], which isn’t OK with my own politics - if it is with yours, then OK).

[name]Robson[/name]? I kind of like [name]Robson[/name]…

I kind of love [name]Kai[/name], but if you don’t love it, I wouldn’t necessary use it just for the rhythm! There could also be…

[name]Robin[/name] Key, [name]Robert[/name] Key
[name]Robert[/name] [name]Jay[/name] ([name]Robin[/name] [name]Jay[/name] is too much bird)
[name]Robin[/name] [name]Malachi[/name], [name]Robert[/name] [name]Malachi[/name] (totally different rhythm but kind of the punch)
[name]Robin[/name] [name]Day[/name], [name]Robert[/name] [name]Day[/name] ([name]Day[/name] feels a little feminine…but not too much to me)
[name]Robin[/name] [name]Shea[/name], [name]Robert[/name] [name]Shea[/name]

And that’s just to end in a vowel - there are lots more names with one syllable.

Keep playing with this if it’s an idea you like, but don’t feel limited to it!

love [name]Robin[/name] but not [name]Kai[/name].

Not a fan of either. Sorry. [name]Robin[/name] is all girl for me, and I just don’t like [name]Kai[/name].

I love [name]Robin[/name] for a boy, but I don’t think [name]Robin[/name] [name]Kai[/name] sounds good together.

I like someone’s suggestions of [name]Robin[/name] [name]Shea[/name].