Rory, Hugh, River, Conrad or Finn

Which boy’s name do you like best?
Here is our shortlist.
[name]Rory[/name], [name]Hugh[/name], [name]River[/name], [name]Conrad[/name] or [name]Finn[/name].
Thanks for your opinion!

I love [name]River[/name]. [name]Finn[/name] is okay. I think [name]Rory[/name] is a mouthful, and it is a name I’m never happy to see/hear/say. [name]Hugh[/name] seems insubstantial to me, and sounds like half a sneeze. [name]Conrad[/name] is okay I guess, but may be shortened to [name]Connie[/name] (but then again, maybe to [name]Rad[/name], which he may love as a teen). But I don’t like that it reminds me of [name]Joseph[/name] [name]Conrad[/name], whose work I have never enjoyed in the least; and it kind of reminds me of “con man”.

[name]River[/name] gets my vote, for sure.

[name]Rory[/name]! [name]Hugh[/name]'s a close second but [name]Rory[/name] is one of my favorite boy names.

I like [name]Rory[/name] best, then [name]Conrad[/name]. I think [name]Rory[/name] [name]Conrad[/name] would be fab, actually.

I love [name]Hugh[/name]! Second would be [name]River[/name].

I like [name]Hugh[/name] the best since it’s so underused. [name]Finn[/name]'s a bit too popular to me. [name]Rory[/name] is leaning towards the feminine side lately. [name]River[/name]'s just ok for me. Although I like [name]Conrad[/name], I fear it could become too popular. What’s the last name’s initial and how many syllables is it? It would be nice if all parts of the name had a different syllable count and the initials didn’t spell anything.

Thank you for the advice.

Our last name starts with A and is four syllables.

I love [name]Hugh[/name] - I see it as an underused classic.

Yeah, I’m going to double-down on [name]Hugh[/name]. With a four syllable A starting last name, it would be best to go with a one syllable name. [name]Hugh[/name]'s one of those ideal names. You should look at the entry on this site. It’s got a lot going for it. The other one syllable [name]Finn[/name] is just too popular lately. With [name]Hugh[/name], it would be easier to pick a middle name that’s likely two syllables and doesn’t start with a vowel.

I am a huge fan of [name]River[/name] - Strong but versatile, naturey but not too hippy, unusual but not out-there.

With your last name, my favorites are [name]Hugh[/name] and [name]Finn[/name].

Huge [name]Rory[/name] fan! Except, I still find it hard to say. Also love [name]Conrad[/name] and [name]Finn[/name].

In order of preference…

1 [name]Hugh[/name] - classic but quite rare
2 [name]Conrad[/name] - strong and masculine
3 [name]Finn[/name] - Irish and energetic

[name]River[/name] and [name]Rory[/name] are not my style. I don’t think either of them ages well.

I like [name]Rory[/name] and [name]Finn[/name], tho I can see mischa’s point of [name]Rory[/name] not aging well. Is it not a nickname of anything? I’ve never really liked [name]Hugh[/name]. It’s boring to me. I much prefer [name]Hugo[/name]. [name]Conrad[/name] is nice, it’s just that there are other similar C names I like more, like [name]Cormac[/name] and [name]Conall[/name]. Altho as I was typing that sentence I started liking it more and more. I like the nn [name]Con[/name], and it also contains the word ‘rad’. :slight_smile: so anyway [name]Rory[/name], [name]Conrad[/name] and [name]Finn[/name] are the ones I like.

[name]Rory[/name] - [name]Love[/name] this, so handsome.
[name]Hugh[/name] - Prefer [name]Hugo[/name], but it’s a nice name.
[name]River[/name] - Not my cup of tea, plus it’s unisex which may bother you.
[name]Conrad[/name] - I find this quite harsh sounding for some reason.
[name]Finn[/name] - Like as a nickname for [name]Finlay[/name] etc.

[name]Rory[/name] would be my pick.