I am in love with the name [name]Rosalie[/name] at the moment (nn [name]Rosie[/name]). Middle name would be [name]June[/name]. But do you think [name]Rosalie[/name] would be taken seriously as an adult? I can easily imagine an artist with the name, but how about a CEO or politician?
Why not? I think it’s a perfectly acceptable, legitimate, and lovely name for anyone: CEO, doctor, politician, etc. Certainly easier than trying to imagine “President Muhkynnah” or “[name]Judge[/name] [name]Petunia[/name]”.
Sorry to anyone who likes the names Muhkynnah or [name]Petunia[/name]
I think [name]Rosalie[/name] is cute, but also wears well for an adult. You could always use [name]Rosalind[/name] nn [name]Rosie[/name] or [name]Rosalie[/name] if you want something longer. She could also always use [name]Rose[/name]-- a definite no-nonsense name if she needed to portray more of that image.
I can easily see [name]Rosalie[/name] on an adult. It puts me in mind of a chunky, good-humoured woman in her fifties. It’s my natural picture, rather than that of a child. Rather like [name]Claudette[/name] - I’m sure there must be young Claudettes, or that all Claudettes were once young, but its a name that is instantly 50 years old in my mind.
I think it works on an adult. If she, as an adult, feels it’s too cutesy, it’s easy as pie to shorten [name]Rosalie[/name] and go by a more formal [name]Rose[/name] or [name]Rosa[/name].
While the nickname [name]Rosie[/name] I definitly see has cutesy and not something that would wok on a grown woman I think [name]Rosalie[/name] would be fine for a grown woman.
It’s OK. I can actually imagine [name]Rosalie[/name] as more of an adult than a little girl anyway
I love [name]Rosalie[/name] and I think it ages really well! It’s a name with a history and backbone to it.
Thanks for the feedback - I guess I will stop stressing about that aspect of the name, ha!
I don’t find [name]Rosalie[/name] cutesy at all. I mean, I do think a cute little girl could absolutely wear the name, but I actually think of it more as a sophisticated adult name with a vintage feel.
I agree with the others–it’s [name]Rosie[/name] that I find little-girl-adorable, not the full [name]Rosalie[/name]. There is a woman in my church named [name]Rosalie[/name] (nn [name]Sally[/name]), and she wears it just fine. I’m not sure what she does for a living but she manages to pull off the special-music-performing/kindergarten-teacher/respectable-woman-of-God image off pretty well, haha. I think [name]Rosalie[/name]'s lovely. As is [name]Rosie[/name].
I know a 21 year old [name]Rosalie[/name] - it suits her well! I think it’s perfectly fine on an adult
I actually know a [name]Rosalie[/name] in her early 60’s, so yes, it ages just fine. I really like [name]Rosalie[/name].
I know an adult [name]Rosalie[/name]. It’s a name that is cute on a child and lovely on a grown woman.
Yes, lol. It’s [name]Rosalie[/name], a real name. It’s not Candyfloss-Honeybunches or something
I agree with all of this.
I think that [name]Rosalie[/name] is beautiful and it’s perfectly fine!
All [name]Rose[/name] names, except for [name]Rosie[/name], age well imo.
I think [name]Rosalie[/name] will age perfectly. What a great name.
I agree with everyone else; my natural image of [name]Rosalie[/name] is a sophisticated businesswoman with a sleek feminine style.