Thinking of naming our daughter [name_f]Rosalie[/name_f]. We are in Australia where this name is not very common(I’ve never met anyone with this name!)
[name_f]My[/name_f] question is how would you pronunce this name? and which one do you think is prettier? I prefer emphasis on first syllable and a Z sound.
Would you say
or anything else?
Particularly helpful if you are from [name_m]Oz[/name_m]
Thank you!!
I’m Australian, and also pronounce [name_f]Rosalie[/name_f] with emphasis on the first syllable and ‘z’ sound. The ‘o’ is a long vowel sound like in the word ‘flow’.
Unfamiliarity and hesitation go hand in hand, but I don’t think [name_f]Rosalie[/name_f] would attract ongoing pronunciation issues once a person has heard the name in use.
I’m in [name_m]Oz[/name_m] and there was a [name_f]Rosalie[/name_f] at my primary school… from memory the emphasis was on the final syllable: Rose-uh-LEE. She was from a [name_m]Dutch[/name_m] family though, so I’m not sure if that changes things!
I’m Australian - from [name_m]Brisbane[/name_m], specifically, where there is an inner-city suburb called [name_f]Rosalie[/name_f]. So for anyone from there it should be familiar! I’ve only ever heard it pronounced Roze-Uh-Lee.
[name_f]My[/name_f] only other association with the name is that [name_m]Steve[/name_m] Waugh (former cricketer) has a daughter named [name_f]Rosalie[/name_f].
It’s actually one of my very favourite names, despite the suburb and (or maybe because of) not knowing anyone personally named [name_f]Rosalie[/name_f], so I think it would be a great choice.
This name in US is not uncommon and is pronounced, “Rose-uh-Lee.” [name_u]Or[/name_u], "Rosa-Lee.” Same thing. But would not say it “Ross-al-ee,” or the other ways you mentioned.
From [name_m]Oz[/name_m] (in middle of might here, daughter just woke me by standing next to my bed right by me so now startled lol), I would say it as ROSE-ah-lee with the S in the word [name_u]Rose[/name_u] having a soft z sound anyway. I wouldn’t be surprised to hear it Rose-ah-LEE with a sort of [name_u]French[/name_u] inflection. I really like the name but when I first read it, years ago, I somehow assumed it was ROZ-ah-lee (one of your listed options, same starting as Rosalind) and wasn’t especially into it. I really like the [name_u]Rose[/name_u] beginning to the name . I would personally just go for straight [name_u]Rose[/name_u] for a first - one of my faves - but if you go [name_f]Rosalie[/name_f], I don’t think it’ll be too hard to educate people on your preferred spelling and it’s a very sweet and charming name!