Rose as a first name

What do you think of [name]Rose[/name] as a first name? [name]Do[/name] you know anyone with the name?

I know three [name]Rose[/name]'s! [name]One[/name] is in her 90’s, one late 30’s, and one three year old. I think it’s a beautiful first name, and I love it in the first spot.

I know a [name]Rosemary[/name] nn [name]Rose[/name] ( mid 30’s), a 15 year old [name]Rose[/name] and many _______ Roses. They all like their names.


As a middle name I consider it a filler, but as a first name it’s lovely!

Exactly how I feel. I think it’s beautiful.
I’ve also meet a [name]Ro[/name]$ebud in the past.

I really like it as a first, but I slightly prefer [name]Rosie[/name].

I really love it as a first name (without a fuller version). I know about 3, roughly aged 11-14. I also know a ton of Rosies, who are a similar age and younger.

It’s not a favourite in the middle down to the fact it’s seen as such a filler, but my Grandmother is [name]Margaret[/name] [name]Rose[/name] and my sister is [name]Georgia[/name] [name]Rose[/name] so I sort of have a soft spot for it.

I like it. I prefer [name]Rosa[/name] though. :slight_smile:

I like just simple [name]Rose[/name] as a first name. Not as a filler middle, no longer versions. [name]Just[/name] sweet, innocent little [name]Rose[/name].

I like it as a first name, but I consider it filler in the middle. I don’t know anybody named [name]Rose[/name], but I know many girls with the middle name [name]Rose[/name].

It’s my favorite [name]Rose[/name] name! Classic, timeless, and simple. There’s no extra fluff or frill to make it girly.

I’ve never met a [name]Rose[/name], but almost all of my friends have [name]Rose[/name] a middle name. It’s boring as a middle name, but it’s so fresh and vibrant as a first. I’d love to meet a [name]Rose[/name] around my age!

  • [name]Athena[/name]

I used to love [name]Rosalind[/name] and [name]Rosamund[/name] more because they were more unique and elaborate but now I am liking the simple beauty of [name]Rose[/name]. I still like the other variations, but [name]Rose[/name] is so pretty to me right now.

It’s beautiful! I can only think of one [name]Rose[/name] I know personally. SHe’s about 50 and I work w/ her and she’s one of my fav people. Very classic choice, seriously can’t go wrong.

I’d love to see [name]Rose[/name] be used as a first name. Simple, sweet, and highly versatile, not to mention it ages well. Can’t say I’ve ever known a [name]Rose[/name] before. I once knew a [name]Rosemary[/name] who was middle-aged, and a [name]Rosie[/name] who was a a year or two younger than me (so she would have been born in either 1989 or 1990).

I love [name]Rose[/name], mainly as a first name because it’s really been abused as a middle name.
[name]Rose[/name] [name]Ophelia[/name] and [name]Rose[/name] [name]Marina[/name] are two of my favourite combinations.
I also like the name [name]Rosemarie[/name].

I love [name]Rose[/name] as a first name! I know one in her late 30s.

I know about 5 [name]Rose[/name]'s. I have a Great Aunt [name]Rose[/name] around late 80’s, my neighbor [name]Rose[/name] is about 55, my niece [name]Rose[/name] is 15, and 2 little babies that were baptized at church over the past few months. [name]Rose[/name] was my parent’s 2nd choice for me as well. I always wished they would have named me [name]Rose[/name]. I [name]LOVE[/name] the name!!!

Pretty and classy.