Rotating Names-Boys

This is fun, but kind of complex. You start with a boy’s name. The next poster adds a middle. The next poster adds a second middle. Then the next poster eliminates the first name. The first middle name rotates into the first name spot. The second middle name rotates into the first middle name spot. So the poster has to think of a new second middle name. And so on…I will post a few times so you know what I’m talking about.


[name]Roderick[/name] [name]James[/name]

[name]Roderick[/name] [name]James[/name] [name]Matthias[/name]

[name]James[/name] [name]Matthias[/name] [name]August[/name]

(Now the next poster gets rid of [name]James[/name], keeps [name]Matthias[/name] and [name]August[/name] which slide over to the first and second spots, and then adds a third name. Let me know if this is too confusing or if you get it and know how to explain it better.)

[name]Matthias[/name] [name]August[/name] [name]Alexei[/name]

[name]August[/name] [name]Alexei[/name] [name]Cruz[/name]

[name]Alexei[/name] [name]Cruz[/name] [name]Lorenzo[/name]

[name]Cruz[/name] [name]Lorenzo[/name] [name]Amadeo[/name]

[name]Lorenzo[/name] [name]Amadeo[/name] [name]Patrick[/name]

[name]Amadeo[/name] [name]Patrick[/name] [name]Cole[/name]

[name]Patrick[/name] [name]Cole[/name] [name]Tyler[/name]

[name]Cole[/name] [name]Tyler[/name] [name]Roscoe[/name]

[name]Cole[/name] [name]James[/name] Rosceo

Gracierose, the directions have been posted multiple times, both on this thread and the girls’ thread; please follow them. :slight_smile:

You simply erase the first name, move the second name to the first spot, the third name to the second spot, and add a new third name. Thanks! :slight_smile:

[name]Tyler[/name] [name]Roscoe[/name] [name]Vaughn[/name]

[name]Roscoe[/name] [name]Vaughn[/name] [name]Leonardo[/name]

[name]Vaughn[/name] [name]Leonardo[/name] [name]Anton[/name]

[name]Leonardo[/name] [name]Anton[/name] [name]Olivier[/name]

[name]Anton[/name] [name]Olivier[/name] [name]Nathaniel[/name]