This is a 3 generation rules CAF with occupations, enjoy!
DH(77): Is a name of a fictional dectective // Biblical (LN: ends in son) [occupation: GP, carpenter, police man, dentist, museum curator]
DW(75): [name_u]Nature[/name_u] name // A name you don’t think will come back into fashion (Maiden: Is one sylabble) [occupation: physiotherapist, primary school teacher, librarian, illustrator, museum asistant]
DS(49): Has a silent letter in // Saints name [occupation: pub landlord, history teacher, farmer, police officer, locksmith]
DD(47): Means brave // Is a biblical place name [occupation: florist, blacksmith, nursery assistant, registrar, chaplain]
DD(44): [name_m]Can[/name_m] be shorten to a nickname ending in the -ee sound // [name_f]Virtue[/name_f] name [occupation: university admin, lawyer, vet, plumber, waitress]
DW(48): Welsh // is classic (maiden: occupational surname) [pub landlady, auctioneer, cafe owner, photograper, children’s author]
DS(20): Welsh // Name of band member of a British band [occupation: biology student, geography student, bartender, life gaurd, chef]
DD(16): Means love // has an animal meaning
DD(13): nature name // Welsh
DH(47): [name_m]Can[/name_m] be shortened to [name_u]Bert[/name_u] // Is a old hollywood actor (LN: is a city in Britian) [occupation: runs a market stall, bus driver, chaplain, BSL interpreter, electrician]
DD(17): [name_m]Can[/name_m] have a unisex nickname // honours her nan’s name
DS(12): [name_m]Can[/name_m] have a unisex nickname // honours his grandad’s name
DS(8): [name_m]Can[/name_m] have a unisex nickname // honour mother’s maiden name
DH(48): Biblical // Begins with a high value scrabble letter (LN: starts wih Mc-) [occupation: prisoner officer, taxidermist, pathologolist, butcher, bin man]
DS(13): Irish // [name_u]Royal[/name_u] name
DD(9): Irish // [name_u]Royal[/name_u] name