
I [name]LOVE[/name] this name…but is it way too hard to pronounce for americans?is it usable?I don’t want to spell it like sairsha or seersha

that takes away the mystique for me…what do you berries think?

Depends where in [name]America[/name] you are, I think. You’d have more luck in some cities than others and I suspect more in any city than in the sticks.

Most people know [name]Siobhan[/name] and [name]Sinead[/name] but [name]Saoirse[/name] is relatively obscure.

I’d definitely keep it as a middle name possibility, not sure about up front. [name]One[/name] goes to my husband’s brother’s highschool but that’s in Australia and you’ll find more Niamhs and stuff than I remember from back home [name]East[/name] Coast USA.

I think its fine. I mean anywhere in the world apart fom [name]Ireland[/name] there’s gonna be people who have trouble pronouncing it. Garunteed. But if you like the name then use it. Once she’s told people how to say and spell it they won’t have a problem with it. It’s a beautiful name :slight_smile:

Thank for those of you that responded…
MIDDLE NAMES…I need ideas…also this is just for my list…my daughter is [name]Maya[/name] she is seven

It’s usable as long as you don’t mind prompting/correcting pronunciation with new people, some will be familiar with it, some won’t.

I think [name]Saoirse[/name] will become more commonly known with the actress [name]Saoirse[/name] [name]Ronan[/name]. Regardless of the potential hassles, this will be our baby’s first name if it turns out to be a girl. Still trying to figure out the middle name.

I think in the US it’s still an absolute no-go, due to pronunciation. In the UK and [name]Ireland[/name], it’s a flagrantly, provocatively political name. To call your daughter [name]Saoirse[/name] means you support the [name]IRA[/name] in its attempts to reunite [name]Ireland[/name] (the “freedom” in the meaning refers to ‘freeing’ the Northern counties from British rule, and having them join the Republic.) [name]Even[/name] in the US, in hard-core Irish enclaves like those around [name]Boston[/name], this is a big statement. It’s kind of like naming a kid Gaymarriage or Jihad.

I love [name]Saoirse[/name]. It’s easy enough to pronounce once you know it, so it’s more a matter of spelling. Might get annoying after a while, but I wouldn’t think it would be too bad.

I didn’t know about it’s political associations, though, thanks for that, blade.

I think it’s a bit strong to say you are an [name]IRA[/name] supporter if you name your daughter [name]Saoirse[/name]. Or that the perception is such. Maybe in the seventies but certainly not now! It’s a pretty common name here in [name]Ireland[/name] and has no political connotations whatsoever. :slight_smile:

The name [name]Saoirse[/name] has absolutely no political connotations in [name]Ireland[/name] and has no link to the [name]IRA[/name], I’m pretty sure it never had. The name [name]Saoirse[/name] is found in many folklore tales that have been around since long, long before the fight to free the [name]North[/name] began. I see you running into pronunciation difficulties but please don’t rule out [name]Saoirse[/name] because you think its linked to the [name]IRA[/name]!

I think pronunciation would be a major issue for Americans. ;\

Thanks, actual Irish people! My take on [name]Saoirse[/name] is 40 yrs out of date. Evidently it’s pretty enough to transcend its origins. :slight_smile:

I love the name [name]Saoirse[/name]! It sounds too close to my daughter’s name for me to ever use, but love it. You’ll definitely have people not knowing how to pronounce it, but once everyone in your circle learns, it won’t be that big of deal. And like someone else mentioned, with the actress getting more popular (that’s where I learned how to pronounce it) it’ll become more and more common knowledge, but it will never be a common name here.

The only thing I wonder with names like this, when your child is learning how to read and sound out words, do they get confused by their names? Like, “why do these letters make these sounds, but not in my name?” I guess you just explain to them it’s a different language…