
I have no problem using Irish spellings as long as you’re going to use the correct Irish pronunciation.

The only reason I’d opt to spell [name]Saoirse[/name] differently is if hubby insisted on the pronunciation as Sor-sha.

“Sorsha” and [name]Saoirse[/name] are two different names, KWIM? To me it’d be like using the [name]Aine[/name] spelling but insisting it’s pronounced “[name]Anne[/name]”. For DD#1- Here in the US we get “[name]AYN[/name]” rather than [name]Ann[/name] or [name]Annie[/name]. :slight_smile:

All of his side of the family who actually speak Irish would be terribly confused as to why we didn’t say it the way it would be spelled! :smiley:

Such a beautiful name, with so many problems! I would never know how to pronounce it if I weren’t a name nerd (and even now, I didn’t know there were a few ways to say it)

I saw a little girl on one of those nanny shows, Supernanny or something, whose mother spelled it Seersha and it looked so sad all laid out like that. I would rather use the original spelling and take my chances.

Before I knew the pronunciation and background of [name]Sorcha[/name], I thought it was a phonetic spelling of [name]Saoirse[/name] (something in the vein of “sor-sha”/“sir-sha”/Ms. [name]Ronan[/name]'s pronunciation and not so much “seer-sha,” obviously). Sometimes I still wish that could be true, haha. I wonder if you could use that as a phonetic spelling for [name]Saoirse[/name] (depending on which pronunciation you like), esp. in the US where most would get [name]Sorcha[/name]'s Irish pronunciation wrong, too.