
I love the name [name]Saoirse[/name] but fear I could never use it because no one would ever pronounce it or spell it correctly.

[name]Do[/name] you know how to pronounce [name]Saoirse[/name]?

He mentioned using it but spelling it phonetically…

It can be ‘seer-sha’ or ‘sair-sha’ :slight_smile: I wouldn’t butcher the spelling. Once people know what it says they’ll remember.

I think more people here on Nameberry - who are interested in and look into names - will know how to pronounce [name]Saoirse[/name] correctly than people in the outside world. I mention this because asking here will not be the same as asking your friends, or non-name-nerds.

There’s an actress with the name, which makes it more familiar too.

I have a name that is difficult to pronounce if you see it written out (its my s/n). However, I can’t recall ever being bothered by having to pronounce it for others.

It’s pretty, but it [name]WILL[/name] be mispronounced and misspelled. I guess you could spell it phonetically, but I think it would lose a lot of it’s charm. I wouldn’t consider this name myself for this reason.

It’s a middle name on our list - but only a middle name. I’m comfortable with it being little more than an S. on many forms (I have my own odd S. middle name so that’s a bit cute actually) and I am not brave enough to use at as first.

I hate the idea of it phoneticized. Takes it right to what I think of as “[name]Shavonne[/name] land.” I hate [name]Shavonne[/name]/Sh’Vonne/Chevaughn (all things I’ve seen done to [name]Siobhan[/name]) so much.

I know how to say it, but most people in the ‘real world’ will not know how to pronounce it. It’s a real shame because it’s a gorgeous name, but I couldn’t have people saying “sow-irse” her whole life.

Beautiful! It’s my favorite Irish girl’s name. I don’t think people who aren’t familiar with it would just give it a go. Its not at all intuitive, so hopefully they would ask how to say it rather than butcher it. Still, at the very least, there would be a lot of that and having to teach people how to say it properly.

I would totally use it if I had another daughter

My close friend gave it to her irish American baby in the states last year. I don’t live nearby so I’m not sure how often she has to deal with pronunciation problems (i bet she usually says her daughter’s name aloud rather than people reading it for the first time). At the time of the birth there were a few people who asked how it was pronounced on Facebook but it wasn’t a big deal at all, especially since the whole dad’s side is irish, which seemed to put the name in perspective for the people who hadn’t ever heard it before.

Like PPs, I do know how to say it (what [name]Ren[/name] said) but only after discovering Nameberry. However, I still think it’s usable. I live in a VERY multicultural area and regularly hear names I have no idea how to pronounce or spell. 99% of the people I know with such names have a good sense of humour about it and are totally okay with it being slightly mispronounced; they don’t even correct people. [name]Saoirse[/name] is beautiful by the way!

I’m with the consensus here. I think [name]Saoirse[/name] is a gorgeous name and I know how to pronounce it, but I don’t see the general public being able to. I do have a friend who considered Siercha for her girl, but ultimately decided against it. If you’re really drawn to it (understandably so), it could make a charming middle. [name]Ruby[/name] [name]Saoirse[/name]?

[name]Saoirse[/name] [name]Ronan[/name] the actress had this quote about the pronunciation of her name: "‘Seer-sha’ is how Irish people pronounce my first name, but I would pronounce it ‘Sir-sha,’ like ‘inertia’. I think all three (those two + “sair-sha”) are pretty.

[name]Love[/name] this name, but it doesn’t anglicize very prettily and I do think most Americans would have no clue how to pronounce it… I think the middle is a good bet.

I have a friend called [name]Saoirse[/name] and she said that when she visits her family in [name]Ireland[/name] if she meets someone new they all know how to say/spell her name, but in the uk she’s never met someone who’s got it right the first time. It’s easy to remember once to know it though and its such a beautiful name :slight_smile:

Pronounced “Seer-sha”.

Unfortunately, you will find people who won’t know how to pronounce it…but since it’s the name of an actress “[name]Saoirse[/name] [name]Ronan[/name]” from movies Atonement, The Host, City of [name]Ember[/name] etc…, I think it will help mainstream the name. More people will recognize it.

I love [name]Saoirse[/name] and would knot how to pronounce it.

I wouldn’t like to see it use, but spelled phonetically, it ruins the name.

I am in the same boat as you are. As a name nerd, I know how to spell and pronounce it correctly. However, I’m not sure the majority of people do. :frowning:

[name]Saoirse[/name] is on our list. DH is a Dubliner. The only trouble is we like the slight mispronunciation “Sor-sha.” And for that reason it might have to come off the list.

DH wants to use the Irish spelling and thinks we could get away with it as an Irish-American couple. I think we could spell it phonetically since we aren’t staying with the true Irish pronunciation.

If you are staying with the true Irish pronunciation "Seer-sha or “[name]Saer[/name]-sha”…keep the Irish spelling. [name]IMO[/name].

The problem with the name isn’t [name]JUST[/name] that it’s hard to pronounce --it’s that there are lots of different ways to pronounce it. In [name]Ireland[/name] it’s Seer-sha OR [name]Saer[/name]-sha…those are pretty different just there. Then you get into the actress who pronounces it SIR-sha and I’ve also heard it SOR-sha.

It’s a mess. I have a colleague who puts the pronunciation of her name in her email signature and Facebook name. [name]Do[/name] you want to condemn a child to that?

You have an [name]Aine[/name] O_o You used the correct spelling there, so why should [name]Saoirse[/name] be any different. :slight_smile: I’m sure people must pronounce [name]Aine[/name] as ‘anne’ or ‘annie’ all the time.

It’s a beautiful name, I love how it sounds, but I couldn’t deal with the constant spelling and pronunciation mistakes, and wouldn’t want to stick my daughter with that.