scan at 6 weeks

I had a scan today, as I had suspected ectopic. The scan revealed everything was in the correct place, and they could see sac and yolk but no heartbeat. I have to go back for another scan in 2 weeks (so i will be 8 weeks-ish)

Has anyone else had a scan this early and not seen heart beat? Expect i will be on edge until my next scan, where I hope there is a little heartbeat and everything is developing properly. [name_m]Just[/name_m] so nervous and would like some reassuring comments please :expressionless:

I’m so sorry I can’t imagine having to wait! I had an early ultrasound, and they could see heartbeat but couldnt hear it until the next one a week later.

I’ve heard a million stories similar to yours where everything turns out fine. It’s so early, and everything is so new and tiny!

Hang in there!

I just want to comment that 6 weeks is very, very early. It would have been surprising had you been able to see a heartbeat. 7 weeks is the earliest I’ve ever heard of a HB being detected, and even then it’s hit or miss. Many babies HB’s don’t show up until around 10 weeks. My OB won’t see anyone until at least 9 weeks for this very reason.

It’s wonderful news that everything is growing right where and how it should be! Try to rest and drink lots of water between now and your next appointment. And, as impossible as it sounds, try not to worry.

You may see a HB at 8 weeks, but if not, don’t despair! Hang in there until at least 10 weeks to make any invasive, permanent decision.

[name_f]May[/name_f] I ask what symptoms lead you to suspect an ectopic?

[name_m]Ah[/name_m] thank you for your lovely comments :slight_smile: I feel more relaxed and not so panicky now!

I had pain on the left side, and through the scan they said it was because I ovulated form this side and it left a cyst, which was causing my pain and apparently is quite common. After having 2 miscarriages and scar tissue on my Fallopian tube I think they were just be cautious.

I am in the same boat currently. I went in today for my first ultrasound today and I’m measuring 5 weeks 5 days and they saw the sac and as she explained the dot (which I’m guessing is the yolk I didn’t even think of that to ask!) but no fetal pole or heart beat. They said this is normal and they typically cannot detect the fetal pole and heart beat until 6 1/2 to 7 weeks sometimes even up to 9 weeks. I go back in two weeks for another ultrasound which is going to feel like forever. I was worried too that I was having a tubal pregnancy due to having what felt like ovulation pain but they said that was very normal and explained the cyst thing to me as well. Crossing our fingers for both of us!

PS @ tarap: I didn’t even realize until just now that you’re the same person who commented after I did on the October -December 2015 due date page!

First, I want to reassure you that six weeks is really, really early for an ultrasound–if it hadn’t been for the concern about the ectopic pregnancy, I highly doubt they would have given you one at this point. When I got my first ultrasound for the babies I’m carrying, I was only 7 weeks and five days along–and even that was early (it was done to confusion about conception date). The woman doing my ultrasound explained very carefully that there wouldn’t be much to see, that we were trying to get an idea of due date and make sure everything was in the right place. we got a clear (well as clear as an ultrasound can be) look at everything going on, but the techinican made a point that their heartbeats were unusually clear, that that their size, it wasn’t something she had been sure she’d see.

I know it’s nervewracking—but while there are no promises, everything is super small right now, and it’s really early days yet. The fact that everything looks in the right place is awesome. I wish I could give you a hug!

It could very easily be too early. I know this isn’t helpful but do your very best not to worry.

Take care…

I guess so much depends on when people ovulate, as to when HB’s can be detected. I had a scan at 5.5 with [name_m]Silas[/name_m] (after small bleed) and there was a fetal pole. I went back at 7.5 and there was an HB.
What you have seen seems usual so hang in there X

Thank you so much for your lovely comments. It is so reassuring to know I am not the only one!
@ emmillose I think I posted this as I was so worried, and your comment on the due [name_f]October[/name_f] page was even more reassuring for me.

I am also a great believer that ‘what will be, will be’ as it is still early days. But fingers and toes crossed :slight_smile:

Thank you @bookandkettle :slight_smile: