Science names

[name_f]My[/name_f] guilty pleasure names often fall into the science/space themes:

Copernicus (if my husband would have let me, I would have actually considered this a front runner for our son)
Hadron (we actually really have considered this for our second)
[name_u]Nightingale[/name_u] (science and nature in this, so I love it so much)
[name_f]Tesla[/name_f] (the car association has put me off but I used to absolutely love this)

The less subtle the better actually. Any I should add to my list?

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[name_f]My[/name_f] first thought was Hippocrates (like the Hippocratic oath).

[name_m]Aristotle[/name_m] (Aris is such a cute nickname!)
Nobel (unisex)
[name_m]Amadeo[/name_m] (Amedeo Avogadro, discovered and named Avogadro’s law)
[name_m]Claudius[/name_m] (Claudius [name_m]Ptolemy[/name_m] - Greek astronomer)
[name_m]Ptolemy[/name_m] (see above)
[name_m]Erasmus[/name_m] (Charles Darwin’s grandfather who founded the Lunar Society, a group of philosophers and industrialists, and wrote poems about evolution and history)
[name_m]Fleming[/name_m] (discovered benzylpenicillin)

A more feminine take…
[name_u]Mars[/name_u] (for a girl?)
[name_f]Cori[/name_f] (after [name_f]Gerty[/name_f] Cori)
[name_u]Temple[/name_u] (Temple Grandin - zoology)
[name_f]Hedy[/name_f] (Hedy [name_u]Lamarr[/name_u] - basically created wifi, also [name_f]Hedy[/name_f] is short for Hedwig)
Meliva (after Meliva Maric)

[name_f]Hope[/name_f] you like some of these!

Oooh what a great list! I like Hippocrates in theory but then I think of Hypocrisy and can’t unhear it :joy:

I especially love:
[name_m]Aristotle[/name_m] is so good and I can’t believe I’ve never thought of it!

[name_u]Mars[/name_u] for a girl is so cute!
[name_f]Hypatia[/name_f] I love
[name_u]Nikola[/name_u] maybe but I preferred [name_f]Tesla[/name_f]

[name_f]My[/name_f] absolute favourite of your suggestions is [name_f]Hedy[/name_f]! :heart::heart: What a great person to be named after and its actually a really sweet name.


I love [name_u]Nightingale[/name_u], [name_f]Io[/name_f], [name_m]Kepler[/name_m] and [name_f]Tesla[/name_f] especially from your list. [name_u]Temple[/name_u] and [name_u]Nikola[/name_u] (b) are also awesome suggestions!

If you like [name_m]Kepler[/name_m], you might like [name_m]Kuiper[/name_m] as well? Maybe also…

Linnaeus (or [name_f]Linnea[/name_f] for a girl)
Volta or [name_u]Voltaire[/name_u]

And my all-time fave science-inspired name for either sex… [name_m]Faraday[/name_m] :blue_heart:

I love [name_m]Kepler[/name_m] from your list! [name_u]Mars[/name_u], [name_f]Andromeda[/name_f], and Curie are also great – I went to high school with a girl called Curie and thought it was a very cool name.

Maybe you would like…
[name_m]Galileo[/name_m] (nickname Leo?)
[name_f]Soleil[/name_f] (‘sun’)
[name_m]Apollo[/name_m] (for the space missions)

Stars/constellation/galaxy names like:

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[name_f]Marciana[/name_f] (alien!)

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Sno (Stands for Sudbury Neutrino Observatory, but if [name_u]Winter[/name_u] and [name_u]Snow[/name_u] are useable…)

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Schrodinger :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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[name_m]Faraday[/name_m] actually sounds like a normal name. Maybe [name_f]Fara[/name_f] as a nickname? I think you could totally get away with that and if I ever rethink my decision not to have kids when I’m older (completely possible as I’m a teenager right now, I probably shouldn’t be making any big life decisions yet and my main reason — my aversion to the idea of sex and pregnancy — could be completely irrelevant if I ever have a female-bodied romantic partner willing to carry a child) that is a definite possible name. [name_u]Or[/name_u] I might use it as a character name.
[name_m]Rutherford[/name_m] sounds like a name AND is unusual enough that anyone with over a GCSE knowledge of science will recognise it as the guy who came up with the nuclear model of the atom (plus remembering the order of those scientists and the models they proposed took up like 50% of the brainpower assigned to science-memorising last year and I’d forgotten it from when we learnt it the first time so having a head start on that would be great).
And now I want to write about a family with scientist parents and two kids, an older son called [name_m]Rutherford[/name_m] and a younger daughter called [name_m]Faraday[/name_m]. Maybe a middle daughter called [name_u]Halley[/name_u]? Actually I’m adding one more. So the oldest is [name_m]Rutherford[/name_m] (male, 15-17) then twins [name_u]Halley[/name_u] (female, 12-15) and [name_m]Franklin[/name_m] (male, 12-15, same age as Halley) then the youngest is [name_m]Faraday[/name_m] (female, 7-10). Ooh I want to write about them now. Maybe they can be my writing-practice characters.


Haven’t seen these mentioned yet:

[name_f]My[/name_f] favorites:

Appreciate: [name_m]Newton[/name_m], [name_m]Galileo[/name_m], [name_m]Faraday[/name_m], [name_u]Halley[/name_u], Curie, [name_u]Lovelace[/name_u], [name_f]Hypatia[/name_f]

Kuiper! Fab suggestion.

I love Tycho, Altair, and Darwin. I am too much of a Tesla fan to like Edison but its actually a good name.

Faraday! Love it!

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Faraday is so gorgeous, isn’t it? I’d be thrilled to see it used!

[name_u]Love[/name_u] and adding to my list: [name_m]Pluto[/name_m], [name_m]Pascal[/name_m], Anova, [name_m]Darwin[/name_m], [name_u]Orion[/name_u], [name_m]Apollo[/name_m], and [name_f]Cassiopeia[/name_f] <3