Can anyone think of a Scottish/Irish/Gaelic/Celtic name that could use the nickname [name]Nellie[/name]?? I am loving [name]Nellie[/name] but don’t like the usual [name]Eleanor[/name], [name]Penelope[/name], [name]Helen[/name], etc. As I’ve posted before, our first daughter is Mhairi and would like to stick w/ gaelic theme if possible but having trouble finding anything we like. Wondering if [name]Nellie[/name] could be use as a nn for [name]Eilidh[/name]??? Or is that way too far a stretch? Any suggestions? Doesn’t have to be scottish as Irish would work too but anything w/ a gaelic/celtic flair. Thanks!
[name]Eilidh[/name] comes from [name]Eleanor[/name]. The original Gaelic spelling of [name]Eleanor[/name] is Eilionoir.
[name]Fenella[/name] / [name]Finella[/name]
[name]Fionnuala[/name] (original)
[name]Aingeal[/name] ([name]Angel[/name])
[name]Finella[/name] was the one I thought of after [name]Eleanor[/name] and it’s variants ([name]Eileen[/name], etc.).
Nelligan? Too surnamey probably.
Here are a few (Sorry for any repeats):
[name]Connelly[/name] (This is a female name too)
[name]Fenella[/name] came to mind for me too. Seems perfect!
My grandmother’s name was [name]Elen[/name] and she was was called [name]Nellie[/name] by her nearest and dearest.
We were close to naming DD [name]Anneliese[/name] nn [name]Nellie[/name]. More of a [name]German[/name]/Scandinavian flair than Scottish, but I still think it could work.
[name]Caileen[/name] ([name]Nell[/name] backwards)
All the best,
I agree of the ones that I suggested this is my favourite.
[name]Nellie[/name] can be short for [name]Ellen[/name], or [name]Helen[/name].
I am admittedly no expert of Western European languages so feel free to throw this one out, but [name]Arianell[/name] is one gorgeous Welsh name, [name]IMO[/name]!
I liked the suggestion of [name]Anneliese[/name]/[name]Annalise[/name]. Otherwise, I think [name]Nell[/name]/[name]Nellie[/name] would be fine on its own.
I do not like [name]Fenella[/name]
It doesn’t sound like a name to me, rather it reminds me of something she would need to be vaccinated against.
I am not a fan of [name]Fenella[/name] either…I’m not sure why but just not my taste. I can see it would be perfect fit for nn [name]Nellie[/name] though. I love [name]Anneliese[/name] as someone suggested. Something really pretty about it. So tough…if we use [name]Nellie[/name] then probably just stick with [name]Nell[/name] as the proper name but I don’t know, one syllable names are tough to find middle names with. Appreciate all the suggestions though, going to play around with all of them !!
In our family we had someone named just [name]Nell[/name] so why not consider that as a full name?
I think I am certainly leaning towards just [name]Nell[/name]. I think it’s beautiful. I was just trying to see if maybe there was a full name I liked…but I can’t seem to find one. And considering we would call the baby [name]Nellie[/name] full time anyway, might as well not complicate things. [name]Nell[/name] is a beautiful name itself.
I agree! I tend to prefer full names not nn’s as names but I do think [name]Nell[/name] can work.
There’s also just [name]Nella[/name].