Seeking Opinions on New Name!

What does everyone think of the name [name]Mattias[/name], prn Muh-TEE-us? I prefer this spelling because it makes the prn more obvious. It fits all the check points. It is a name we both agree on, it is [name]German[/name], its three syllables(strange I know, but a name has to be three syllable for me to love it) and it is uncommon. Our other choice was [name]Edmund[/name], but I dont know I feel like its lacking something.

Most importantly, how does it sound with [name]Andreas[/name]? [name]Andreas[/name] has a similar origin ([name]German[/name] and Greek), as well as similar usage. At first I didnt want another name ending in S, but it doesnt bother me now.

[name]How[/name] do these combos sound?
[name]Andreas[/name] [name]Peter[/name]
[name]Mattias[/name] [name]Edgar[/name]
[name]Both[/name] mns are family names. NNs would probably be [name]Ace[/name] and [name]Mac[/name]/Tias.

[name]Just[/name] for fun, how would you picture two brothers name [name]Andreas[/name] and [name]Mattias[/name]?


Anyone out there?..Maybe I should hae posted this on a different board.