Serious Name Talk for the first time...

I’ve always been obsessed with names, it’s true. BUT I’ve never been pregnant until now!!! Husband and I are SO excited :slight_smile: however, now that the naming is “serious” (b/c it’s for real and not just for fun), I’m feeling like I’ll never find the perfect name…but I’m starting the naming journey now and would love some help!

The first name we’re considering is a little complicated for me. My husband actually called the baby by this name today! (which i told him is no longer allowed, we can’t just start calling her/him by a name already w/o discussing it! lol) Ok, so the name he suddenly loves is… [name]Reilly[/name]. This is my maiden name, which makes it meaningful and also means we would not change the spelling. My only problems with it - the popularity of it now AND I have a female cousin named [name]Reilly[/name] (my aunt did the whole naming after her maiden name thing idea too) but she is 18 and lives in another state.

What do you think about using this name? OK? Not OK?

Congratulations! [name]Reilly[/name] is obviously very special! I would use it as a middle name though. That way the spelling would not be a constant issue and there would be no relatives with the same first name.

I think it’s a great idea using your maiden name for the baby! The only thing I would be concerned about it your cousin having the same name. Maybe use [name]Reilly[/name] for a middle name? Then it’s still meaningful, but not like you’re naming the baby after your cousin.

Also, if you give [name]Reilly[/name] as a mn, you still have free reign to choose something else you love!

  • [name]Kelsey[/name]

I love the idea! [name]Reilly[/name] is a perfect maiden name because it can be used beautifully for a baby girl or boy in honor of your former name! I like the idea of it for a middle name. It’s becoming quite common to use moms maiden name as a childs middle name. I have a friend whose daughters name is [name]Piper[/name] Rehlin-Rehlin being my friends maiden name. if you picked [name]Reilly[/name] as a middle name, what other choices do you have for the first name?


To avoid confusion, I would put [name]Reilly[/name] in the middle name spot. That way your child won’t share the same name as a close relative (and four other kids in his/her class at school), and you won’t have to worry about his/her name being constantly misspelled.

What first names are you considering?

Thank you for the idea of using [name]Reilly[/name] as a middle name! I like that idea A LOT, especially since coming up with meaningful middle names has always been hard for me.
It does, of course, mean that the all important FIRST name is still TBD…here are names we have tossed around:

[name]Lucy[/name] (my husband’s other favorite next to [name]Reilly[/name]; it’s growing on me, but I’m not sure I like [name]Lucy[/name] paired with [name]Reilly[/name] as a mn)

[name]Leyton[/name] (for a boy. again, husband loves it…will consider the spelling [name]Lleyton[/name] after husband’s fave tennis player, lol. [name]Leyton[/name] [name]Reilly[/name] sounds cool? but [name]Leyton[/name] by itself…ugh idk)

[name]Liam[/name] (a name I’ve loved for years, but I know 2 little [name]Liam[/name]'s and that bugs me…why does it bug me so much?!)

[name]Elliot[/name] (my favorite boys name currently)

As you can see, we only have [name]Lucy[/name] and [name]Reilly[/name] as ideas for girls names. We don’t know what we’re having…would love girl name suggestions…or really any suggestions that would work well with [name]REILLY[/name] as the mn.

I like [name]Lucy[/name] [name]Reilly[/name], an alternative would be [name]Luka[/name] [name]Reilly[/name], I’ve heard [name]Luka[/name]/[name]Luca[/name] for a girl before. Other L names:

[name]Do[/name] you have any other family names that you could use for a daughter ie. grandmother, mother, sister, aunt?

[name]Lucille[/name] [name]Reilly[/name] _____ instead use [name]Lucy[/name] as a nn.
[name]Lillian[/name] [name]Reilly[/name] ____ nn [name]Lily[/name]
[name]Madeleine[/name] [name]Reilly[/name]
[name]Naomi[/name] [name]Reilly[/name]
[name]Isabel[/name] [name]Reilly[/name]
[name]Erin[/name] [name]Reilly[/name]
[name]Susannah[/name] [name]Reilly[/name] nn [name]Susie[/name]/[name]Anna[/name]
[name]Anna[/name] [name]Reilly[/name]
[name]Caroline[/name] [name]Reilly[/name] nn [name]Carrie[/name]
[name]Nicola[/name] [name]Reilly[/name]
[name]Abigail[/name] [name]Reilly[/name]
[name]Eve[/name] [name]Reilly[/name]

What do you think?

Great suggestions! I would love to find a way to honor my mother who’s name is [name]Cindi[/name]…I’ve thought of [name]Lucinda[/name] (nn [name]Luci[/name]) as one way, but of course my husband doesn’t like it. It’s going to be so hard to find THE name (that we both agree on)! ugh…
[name]Lillian[/name] used to be a favorite we both liked, but the growing number of little [name]Lily[/name]'s has been a deterrent.
The hardest part is making it flow nicely with the last name of FUNK. Not easy to do…it rules out all one syllable first names for me to start…so even though [name]Eve[/name] is beautiful, it’s too short for my liking since our last name is so short. I like the name [name]Madeline[/name], but am convinced she’ll become “maddy” and my newest niece is “addie”.
I’ve always loved naming everything in my life (animals, inanimate objects, etc, haha), but naming a child is so hard!!!

[name]Cindi[/name] is latin for light so you could find a name which has the same meaning?


As for [name]Eve[/name]
[name]Evangeline[/name] nn [name]Eve[/name]/[name]Evie[/name]

I second the idea of [name]Cynthia[/name] as the first name:

[name]Cynthia[/name] [name]Reilly[/name] Funk.

Sounds good to me.

What do you think?
Also are there any other people you would like to try and honor?

[name]Lucia[/name] [name]Reilly[/name]

([name]Lucia[/name]/[name]Lucinda[/name]/[name]Lucy[/name] all come from the same root word meaning “light”.)

Thanks for brainstorming with me! I love the “light” theme, however, none of these names are flying with the husband…why is it so much harder to find ways to honor women in the family? Other special women in our family that I would like to honor: [name]Dolores[/name] (nn [name]Dee[/name]), [name]Cecilia[/name], [name]Beverly[/name], [name]Janet[/name]. What can I do with those?!?

[name]How[/name] about [name]Cecily[/name]? Kind of sounds like [name]Lily[/name], kind of like [name]Cyndi[/name] …
And I like [name]Cecily[/name] [name]Reilly[/name] Funk
[name]Lucy[/name] [name]Reilly[/name] Funk is a GREAT name too …
And I personally have always liked the name [name]Lleyton[/name]. Spelled like that too. It is a strong, unique but not “weird” name.
Good luck!

Names which mean light;


[name]Do[/name] you have to use [name]Reilly[/name]? You could also keep it for a future child?

[name]Celia[/name] [name]Reilly[/name]
[name]Beverly[/name] [name]Cynthia[/name]

[name]Dolores[/name] (nn [name]Dee[/name])= [name]Deidre[/name] (Nickname [name]Dee[/name]), [name]Dorthey[/name] or [name]Dorthea[/name], [name]Dora[/name]

[name]Cecilia[/name]= [name]Cecily[/name]

[name]Beverly[/name] = [name]Beverly[/name]

[name]Janet[/name] = [name]Jane[/name], [name]Janie[/name], [name]Janelle[/name]

Personally I like:
[name]Deidre[/name] [name]Reilly[/name] Funk
[name]Dorthey[/name] [name]Reilly[/name] Funk
[name]Dorthea[/name] [name]Reilly[/name] Funk
[name]Janelle[/name] [name]Reilly[/name] Funk