i am naming the daughter of a character of mine, my preferences are that it be one to two syllables in length, be somewhat androgynous but be leaning towards the femme end of the spectrum (e.g. ashley), be slightly uncommon but not unheard of, and ideally i’m looking for names of Hebrew/Yiddish origin but it’s not a dealbreaker if they’re not.
if you want a feel for vibes, the names i’ve considered so far are:
TIA!!! <333
I know you asked for androgynous names but I also added a few exclusively feminine names I thought might work, seeing as you considered [name_f]Rivka[/name_f] I figured you might be open to more feminine-but-not-overly-frilly names as well.
[name_u]Shai[/name_u] / [name_u]Shay[/name_u]
Here are some that I found…
Sorry it’s a short list!