Should I change my name to Eliana? Honest opinions please

I don’t like my birth name :pensive: and I want to change it legally.

I’ve really fallen in love with the name Eliana, but a lot of old comments online say it’s pretentious and made up sounding.

Do people still think that or has it changed since it’s gaining popularity now?

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[name_f]Eliana[/name_f] feels like a well-established name to me; it’s pretty but solid with nickname potential and feels like a good choice :slight_smile:

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Yay thanks :partying_face:

I don’t like any of the names of that kind (Eliana, [name_f]Eliora[/name_f], [name_f]Elena[/name_f], etc.), but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use it if you like it!

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I would never assume [name_f]Eliana[/name_f] to be “pretentious” though I can see how it can sound like a “made-up” name (though it has origins from multiple different cultures, so really, it’s quite timeless in a sense). I would say go for it if it feels right! One of my best friends has a slight variation of this name and I think it suits her well.


If you want to, totally go for it! Don’t let anyone tell you (especially online lol) what names you should and shouldn’t love. :blush:

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I think [name_f]Eliana[/name_f] would be a perfectly reasonable name to choose! It’s established enough to sound natural for someone old enough to be choosing it themselves, and it doesn’t sound pretentious at all.

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It does not sound pretentious or made up! [name_f]Eliana[/name_f] is a beautiful name, just keep in mind you might get [name_f]Ellie[/name_f] a lot unless you enforce another nickname, such as [name_f]Ella[/name_f], [name_f]Lia[/name_f], [name_f]Liana[/name_f], etc.

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I love [name_f]Eliana[/name_f]! It feels elegant to me, like it could be a character in a ballet :slight_smile: I’ve never thought of it as pretentious, in fact, it’s been on my baby list for a little while :blush:

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[name_f]Eliana[/name_f] definitely doesn’t sound made up or pretentious, you should choose the name you love, it’s your name, after all!

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Thank you all for the sweet comments :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I’m really happy there’s been no negative reactions. I’m gonna look through lists one more time, but I really think this is the one.


i love it!

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[name_f]Eliana[/name_f] doesn’t seem made-up to me at all. At least, not more than any name is made-up. I think it was ranked #38 for baby girls in the US last year. I love it.

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